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Sarai's POV

At the end of the road, some people expect happy ending, fairytale. Some expect nothing, they've been through alot, life tortured them that much so they would be satisfied just with blank end.
We all know, poor or rich, happy or sad, all of us is going to face the end. Sooner or later.
But before the end we need to face life. Ups and downs, good and bad moments, yeah these would be extended words for life.

But it's like we don't live our lives for ourselves, anymore. It's like we are dolls to each other. One rude comment, uncalled opinion or insult is enough for us to change something in our lives. Sometimes is like we live to please others. That's the reason why sometimes we make dumb decisions. Decisions we don't even want to make, decisions we know, we're going to regret.

That's why I am here. Ready to add another decision in my chapter of mistakes.
I'm strong enough to take some jokes, even insults. But when more and more problems are adding, one sentence, literally one sentence is enough to break me down.

Cold air is dancing all over my face, while my long light-brown hair is flaying behind my shoulders, because of wind. I bet my nose is red, no matter that my makeup is emphasized tonight. Weather isn't doing a favor for my legs and arms since I'm wearing short, black dress which reachs my thighs. I was supposed to feel confident, but this is just not my style, so I would say I At least that's how I felt when I first saw my reflection in the mirror.

Tears almost welcomed my eyes as I remembered the reason why I'm here. It's scary how people can play with your mind and make you do things you never thought you would do. No matter how low and hard it is, at least in my case.

"hahhahah it's your turn dude!" high, annoying voice from the most popular cheerleader said as she tried to 'fix' her bra which was already showing since her pink t-shirt had a deep cleavage.
Almost every girl here was like her, luckily I didn't count.

I really shouldn't have agreed to take a part in this folly. We finished college two weeks ago, so we are celebrating. I wasn't that kind of girl to go on events like this, but since it was the end I thought 'why not?'. And damn now I know why. The whole night I was alone on the side, except now. I actually don't know how I ended here, but I guess I'm going to have some fun, I doubt.

"truth or dare?" some random boy asked another one. This game never gets old, but honestly I don't see too much fun in it.
"truth." he answered. "What was the craziest sex you have ever had?" was his question. I cringed, while others smirked or yelled 'ohhs'.
"it was last year" he started "it was in my parents house... and they were listening every part of it." he said smirking and others started to laugh.


If that happend to me I would run away from shame. He looked so proud, is he dumb or? It's such a shame how everyone finds these disgusting and worthless things, the reason to praise someone.
"Hey!" someone hit my arm. I came back to reality to see everyone's eyes on me. Most were mean and with hate, made me wonder why.
"so truth or dare?"  it's sad that girl didn't even knew my name, it kinda hurt.
"Sarai" I said quietly, but I got confused looks and eye rolls, it made me grow nervous. "Sarai, um t-that's my name." I said showimg how insecure I am.
"And?" the same girl with pink t-shirt asked "we don't care about your name, why are you even here?" she asked and I felt heat all over my body, I just hope this embarrassing moment would be over soon.

"s-sorry I just-"
"look you are pathetic, cmon ask her a damn question so we can move on." she interrupted in anger. What did I ever do to her?
"okay chill, so truth or dare?" boy in front of me asked. He looked bored, everyone looked bored as they wanted to move on as fast as they could. I guess the girl was right, nobody actually cared about my presence.
"uhh truth." I said like a mouse.
"as I thought." he murmured, that made me look in lap shyly.
I wanna go home.

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