The Calm Before the Storm

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AN: I have many feels about Gamora and Nebula and also about Infinity War and so this baby was born. Enjoy :)

"Gamora," Nebula sighed, voice worn and vaguely irritated, "you know better than anyone that I have to do this."

"The only thing I know is that you're being extremely arrogant and it's going to get you killed!"


"No, I am not backing down this time! He will kill you Nebula."

"Not if I kill him first!"

"You won't because you can't! No one is powerful enough to take on Thanos alone and you know it! You know him!"

"I also know that if we sit by and do nothing he'll get all of the stones and then no one will be safe! We either kill him now or we're all dead anyways! You know what he's about to do! He's finally ready and he's coming for the stones! All of them!"

"He can never get them all." Gamora dismissed.

Nebula gripped her arm in a panicked desperation. "He can-"

"He can't Nebula," the assassin stated firmly, taking her sister's hand to reassure her. "Because I found the map to the soul stone and I burned it to ash. I burned it."

The cyborg nodded but the doubt remained in her eyes. She stiffened when a hand slid around her shoulders but soon relaxed and even returned the half embrace. Harmless touch was still a strange concept for them both but Gamora seemed to be initiating it more and more every time she saw her. Nebula knew that the strange new habit of hers was learned from her idiotic human lover.

"Hey, Gamora?"

Both women looked up as Quill stumbled into the room and Nebula internally sighed. Speak of the Devil...

Peter called as he stumbled into the room but froze when he noticed she wasn't alone. "Oh. Hello...Nebula."

She nodded in his direction but never took her eyes off of her sister. "Quill."

The human nodded at the cold greeting, muttering quietly. "Someone's in a good mood- ah, Gamora! Have you seen my other jacket?"

A moment of silence passed as the sisters had a silent staring contest. Sighing, the zen-whoberian turned to her lover and took in his appearance for the first time. He was drenched in what she hoped was water and sporting a fresh bruise on his left cheek. His cloths weren't only wet but also ripped and shredded, clearly Rocket had been involved in whatever scuffle had led to this.

The sigh was past her lips before she could even stop it. If he looked like this then there was a good chance Rocket and Drax had a similar appearance if not worse. "What happened?" She nearly demanded.

Peter smiled sheepishly. "Just a little unexpected water balloon fight turned physical. Nothing major."

Gamora lifted a brow, hand sliding to a stop at her hip. "A what?"

"I got into a little water fight with Drax and Rocket, it's nothing I promise."


"Is fine. Everything is fine. Groot is with Rocket helping him pull Drax out of the-"

"Pull him out of the what?!"

"Nothing!" Peter exclaimed, gently gripping her by the arms and pulling her a bit closer. "It's nothing, don't worry about it!"

Gamora only glared back at him, knowing that something was amiss and that this truth he was telling wasn't the whole truth. "Your jacket is in the corner wardrobe."

"Ah! Thank you!" He cried, giving her a quick peck on the lips before hurrying off. "See ya Nebula!"

The cyborg gave him a backwards wave, still watching her sister only now with an almost teasing smile on her face. She came close enough to nearly close the gap between them, arms crossed over her chest.

"You're falling in love sister." She teased, looking in the direction Quill went in. "And with a human no less."

Gamora glared at Nebula who was watching her with her usual cold and stoic expression but she didn't miss the glimmer of amusement in her eyes.

"That is not important right now and you are changing the subject."

"I can do this."

"Not by yourself."

"Then come with me! We can take him down together-"

"Nebula, would you please just let it go! Let this thing go!"

"Why!? Why won't you help me stop him?!"

Gamora shook her head, eyes moving to the ground. "You don't know what you're asking me to do. Please...just forget about it, stay with us."

"You don't know what you're asking me to do."

The assassin sighed and shook her head. "Nebula-"

"If you don't want to face him with me then I will do it alone and I will stop him. Everyone's fate depends on it."

Nebula motioned to leave but was intercepted by her sister. She glared but like always Gamora ignored it to pull her into a hug that she couldn't help but return. It was moments like these that made her happy that they had reconciled. Gamora gave her a squeeze too great for either one of them to brush off. Luckily she spoke before Nebula could question it.

"Just please be careful...I just got my sister back, I don't want to lose her again." 

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