Meeting Cable Pt. 1

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(Just a little author's note for this drabble!!! I know that Cable is not Thanos nor does he have any relation to Thanos, so there's no reason for him to bond with Gamora but both characters are played by Josh Brolin! So I'm going to have as much fun with that little piece of information that I possibly can :3 Thanks for reading you guys!!! Hope you enjoy!!!)

Who the hell are you?!" Starlord demanded, gun aimed right at the cloaked stranger's head. It wasn't often that intruders found their way on the ship but when they did they never wanted anything good.

It had been a nice night, uneventful and quiet, but then suddenly there were the sounds of a struggle (not to mention Drax's thunderous war cries.) The whole shipped rocked as their friend battled an unknown adversary. After making sure Groot was safe with Rocket and Mantis, Gamora and Peter arrived at the remnants of the battle. Drax had been defeated and his opponent stood less than twenty feet away, cloaked by the shadows. Both immediately raised their weapons and prepared to fight, after all many hostile forces in the galaxy were not to be trusted.

Peter turned his masked face to look at Gamora standing beside him. Her dark eyes was filled with caution as she watched the mysterious shadow, though she took a moment to glance over at Drax, who wasn't moving. He knew she was worried about him, hell even he was getting a little concerned, but the threat needed to be neutralized first. 

"Who the hell are you?" A gruff voice questioned back. A small gleam of red shot through the darkness as the man opened what appeared to be a cybernetic eye.

Gamora's eyes widened as she eyed the small crimson sphere, gripping her sword tighter in her hand. Her blood ran cold as it was pumped through her veins, spreading the cold sensation until her entire body felt like ice. That voice was familiar, chillingly familiar.

"I asked you first asshole." Peter retorted, clearly annoyed by the man's attitude. It was quite understandable given the fact that he was the one intruding on their ship not the other way around.

"We don't have time for games." Gamora stated, shifting the blade  in her hand. "Tell us who you are...or die."

A moment of tense silence passed before the man spoke again, sighing in annoyance and stepping slightly into the light. It was only enough to expose a portion of his face. He was a little on the older side with his rugged face and five o'clock shadow. One of his eyes was a gentle blue while the other was a startling cyber red.

"Name's Cable..." he announced, glaring at the pair, "and you supposedly have something I'm looking for."

Gamora stepped forward, almost shielding Peter from them stranger as she looked the foreign man over once again. "Oh, really?" She questioned skeptically. "And what might that be?"

"A member of the flora colossus." He explained, watching her with cautious eyes of his own.

"Flora colossus?" Peter mimicked, a brow raised in interest. He looked between his lover and the stranger who seemed to be caught in a staring contest. "The hell is that?"

"He is searching for our friend." Mantis revealed, shocking all three as she spoke suddenly from the doorway behind Gamora.

"Mantis, don't." The zen-whoberian growled lightly but her words of warning arrived too late.

"He is looking for Groot."

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