Chapter 2

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I drifted in and out of consciousness, but I was still aware of what I felt, I felt something moving rapidly, and calmly. It felt like I could've been in a car, train, or a certain type of vehicle. I felt pain on my head, and I wondered why.

For some reason I could not remember what I did, and how I ended up here, but after a while my mind started recollecting every single event that happened; the dancing, the argument, the disgusting men that almost raped me, and most importantly the man who I thought was my savior, attacking me with a bat.

I felt the panic surge through me as the realization dawned on me that I was in a moving vehicle, not only was I attacked, I was being kidnapped.

I tried to lift my upper body, but it was as if my body was asleep; I could only lift my head, which caused the pain lodged in my temple to worsen. My head dropped back, the exhaustion taking its course, I felt my eyes starting to shut, but before they did I caught sight of the man in the driver's seat, then I drifted off into the darkness once more.


Coldness, is all I felt, it was like an instant drop in temperature, or ice being thrown at me. Sound was muffled, drifting in and out. My eyes were still shut in deep sleep but that very cold feeling on my body woke me up immediately.

Water drops were dripping from my face and hair; I looked up and saw Reuben with a bucket in his hand, then I looked around, taking in the setting; I couldn't move, my hands and feet were handcuffed to a chair that was sitting in the middle of the room. I started to panic moving my arms and legs around, but it was no use, I couldn't free myself unless I had the key, which I'm sure he has.

"What the fuck is this!? Where am I!? Let me go!" I tried to say it menacingly, but my voice cracked and tears started to blur my vision.

He didn't answer me; he just studied me while I freaked out, moving my body around, and sobbing.

I did this for about twenty minutes getting more and more desperate. Even though he was not speaking, he still terrified me, his silence was evil, it was almost as if he was waiting for something, or he was waiting for me to do something.

"Please let me go" I begged "PLEASE! Let me go! Let me go you fucking psycho!!" I screamed as loud as I could at him, which did not cause any type of affect at all.

Reuben's eyes stalked me like a predator would stalk it's prey, and that made me angrier than I was, it was as if he was taunting me, it not only made me angrier, but also more frightened, because he did not react, I was screaming, sobbing, and doing everything possible to try and free myself, but it wasn't working, he just gave me a sinister stare. What scared me even more was that his lack of emotion right now, made me realize that he was very much crazy, I mean, I know he's crazy but there is something there that tells me he is very unstable, that he sees this situation as fun or a game, then a thought came to my head, am I the only one? Or are there others that are in here?

I thought about this, staying silent and looking down, my head dropped enough for my hair (which was now curly after he through the bucket of water on me) to cover my face. I was so exhausted from yelling, and just trying to free myself, but I didn't want to stop fighting; I just wanted to go home, see my mom, and stay in my house where I feel safe, but I knew he wasn't just going to let me go easily.

I tried a different approach, maybe if I was nicer, he would show some compassion and let me go.

"Please let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone anything, just please let me go" I said as daintily as I could, looking up with sad eyes.

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