Chapter 1

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I was in my room, lying on my bed, watching a movie, something I did every Friday night after school, it was a coping mechanism, not a good one, but it worked. After my father's death last year I was devastated, so devastated that I no longer got out of bed, or went out with my friend, or did the basic things a normal human being would do. My mom was worried so she took me to the hospital, where a doctor diagnosed me with chronic depression from lack of serotonin to the brain. I then went to a therapist that prescribed me some medication that basically made me into a happier, calmer version of myself; he said that this medication would help me and prevent me from, in his words, "do something that might take a toll on my body," meaning so I wouldn't cut myself, or try to commit suicide. Even though at times I would feel very sad, I was thankful for my medication, it kept my life on track, even though I wasn't the same as before, it gave my life routine, which my therapist said was good, and was something I very much needed. Even though I feel somewhat better than I did before, I sometimes found lingering feelings that threatened to take control of me.

I got a phone call from my best friend, Sarah, telling me that she was on her way to my house and that she had a surprise for me. About fifteen minutes later I heard the doorbell ring, indicating that my friend had arrived. I made my way through the hallway and down the stairs to the front door. I opened the door and was greeted by a smiling face, with dirty blonde waves coming down her shoulders; I looked at her hazel eyes and smiled.

"Hi, Sarah," I closed the door as she came in.

"Hi," she responded as we made our way upstairs to my room.

"So...What's this surprise you have for me?" I asked making my way over to my bed and sitting on it.

"You remember that guy I met at that party last week, right?

"You mean the party I didn't go to?" I answered sarcastically.

"Oh, right," she giggled "His name is Lucas and he has a friend that owns this exclusive club downtown, and he wants me to go tonight, well us, because I'm taking you with me."

"No" I retorted.

"Oh, come on, please, we never go out anymore, it'll be fun."

"No, I don't want to go"

"Why not?" she made a pouty face.

"I have my reasons, plus, I don't want to go to a place where I'm just going to stand there awkwardly, while you're off with your boy toy," I crossed my arms.

Sarah sat next to me "Look Lena, I know that what happened last year was really tough, and that you're still hurting, but it's time for you to let go and have some fun, enjoy yourself, and what better way than to go out with your best friend," she said, trying to give me comfort.

I looked at Sarah, then looked down. After my father's death, Sarah was the only person I kept close to me, she was always there, but I felt bad that she was trying so hard to get me back on track, because I knew that no matter how hard she tried, or anyone tried for that matter, I would never be the same again. I stared at her, a puppy dog look on her face; she was right I deserved to go out and enjoy myself once in a while.

"Fine, I'll go," I said finally. Sarah was always persuasive.

She squealed, and jumped up "Oh my God, I love you so much!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" she said as she hugged me.

"Okay, but you better not leave me alone," I said laughing.

"I won't, I promise." She said looking at her phone to check the time "But we need to get ready, it's 7:30, and I promised Lucas I would be there at 10:00." Sarah walked over to her bag, and laid out her outfit and makeup on the bed.

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