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I lie beside Stiles, or, more like cuddling him in my bed. It's only a matter of time before Scott comes and steals Stiles away from me again. With Scott being broken up with Allison, it hit him, hard. And Allison as well. Seeing as she's in France. 

What have I been doing over the holidays? Well, I've been hanging out with Lydia Martin. I was going to go with Lydia to pick Allison up from the airport. Allison said that just because she's broken up with Scott, doesn't mean I can't be friends with her either. So, we're still on pretty good terms. I just don't have to mention Scott whenever I'm talking to her. 

Though, I'm not sure how, because my last name is McCall. I'm pretty much the girl version of Scott... with you know, better grades. 

I looked up at stared at my boyfriend thoughtfully, he had outgrown his hair, which looks extremely hot on him. It's been a while since we've had Stiles and Stacey time. I love it when we do, but we only get 15-20 minutes before Scott steals him away from me, or Lydia steals me away from him. 

 "How many more minutes?" Stiles frowned and glanced down at me, he smirked knowing he caught me staring at him, quickly getting out his phone. He sighed at his phone. "5 minutes," He groans. "This is so unfair," he kissed my lips quickly, making me smile. 

"Hopefully Scott can make some new friends by next holidays, and because Allison will there for Lydia, we can have more us time." I smiled at Stiles, I didn't want to leave him. I'm in a comfortable position. "I'm really sorry I didn't get to spend much time with you over break."  

"Yeah, I am too. But you know that I love you, right?" Stiles told me, and I nodded. I love him more. I pressed my lips together before I gave him one last long lingering kiss. 

Scott was picking up Stiles to get a tattoo. I'm not going with him because as I said before, I was going with Lydia to pick up Allison from the airport. 

"Scott's coming back from work- he should be here any second," I informed Stiles and sighed, also did too. I climb off Stiles and walked over to my mirror to fix my hair up. We both walked towards each other and we turned towards my door. 

We walk down the hallway in silences, I'm wishing that something came up from both our plans like, Allison's flight was delayed or Scott decided not to get a tattoo, but the looks on Stiles' face I think he wanted the same thing to happen, too. Stiles brushed his hand against mine, and I quickly took it, before squeezing his hand tightly. I stopped him before we were on the stairs. 

"I love you, too." I reminded him, giving him one last kiss, before walking down the stairs, and he soon followed me. I walk to the front door and I pulled it opened, Stiles and I both walked out and saw Lydia and Scott pulling up. Scott used Stiles Jeep- I'm not sure why, Stiles never lets anyone drive Jeep. 

I let out a sigh and watched Stiles walk to the Jeep, and I watched Lydia and Scott look at each other weirdly through the window. Scott had hoped out of Stiles' Jeep and switched over positions so now he was in the passenger seat. I walked over to the passenger seat of Lydia's car, giving her a smile. 

"It's not a double date, it's a group thing." Lydia informed me and Allison as I once again sit in the back seat of Lydia's car, and Allison was in the passenger side. We'd just picked her up and we were taking Allison to her new apartment. Lydia spends through the dark and long road. 

I keep trying to tell Lydia that I didn't want to be in the whole double date thing, because A, I had a boyfriend, and B, I'm not interested in seeing anyone else. Apparently she just needs someone else to hang out with. 

Allison turned to my strawberry blonde best friend, chuckling. "Do they know it's a group thing? Because I told you I'm not ready to get back out there." I sighed. She's still taken my brother's and her's break up pretty hard. Then, why the hell did she break up with him? Other than the whole Argent thing. 

"You were in France and you didn't do any dating- for four months. Are you insane?" Lydia asked, pressing her lips together, keeping her eyes on the road. I could never cheat on Stiles.  I don't want him to feel that I don't want him, because I do. I really wanted him. 

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