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My eyes flutter open slowly, to the sound of a whistle. I was on someone's shoulder- Stiles' shoulder. Stiles looked down at me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, you could hear the thunder and crackle outside from the school bus that we were on. 

"Back to your seats." I hear Coach yell at some kids, and I slowly close my eyes again. Images from yesterday's events flash through my mind. 

I felt a few tears slip down my cheeks, and I woke up to a nudge from someone- Stiles. My eyes open again, tears were in my eyes, threating to come out. Through my blurry vision, I could see Stiles' thumb reach for my cheek, wiping away the tears. He pulled me closer to him. 

"Stiles." I mumble, and he sighed, kissing my cheek. 

"Yeah, I know, I know baby," Stiles whispers in my hair. 

I couldn't believe that I had the courage to go to this stupid cross-country meeting in another town. Especially after what happened yesterday. I should've stayed in bed like Mum and Stiles told me too. But I knew Coach would've hated me if I miss it. 

I wrap my arms around Stiles, as much as I could. Scott was sitting in front of us, his head resting on the window sill. Scott was badly injured after yesterday, and for some reason, he's not healing faster than he normally would.

The bus then comes to a halt, making more tears spill out of my eyes and I hear Scott groan in front the front. My eyes widen, and Stiles shushed me, trying to make me calm down a bit. 

"Scotty, are you okay?" I ask, and Scott looks back at me, he really wasn't. He just nodded. The bus started to move again, I felt a thumb wipe on my cheek again and I let Stiles wipe my tears away. 

"We shouldn't have come." Stiles told us, and I shake my head, more tears spilling out of my eyes. My lips quiver, I need to man up. "I knew it. We shouldn't have come." 

"We had to." Scott said, turning around to us this time, wincing. "There's safety in numbers." 

"Yeah, well, there's also death in numbers, okay?" Stiles shoots back. "It's called a massacre, or bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, butchery, wow, that's..." I then hear Scott grunt, he's in pain. 

"All right, Scott, I'm telling Coach that..." 

Stiles was cut off my Scott. "No. No, no, no. I'm all right." Scott reassured him. 

"You don't look alright." I hiccup out. Oh, great. 

"Just let me see it," I feel Stiles jump up from his seat and leans forward, and Scott jumps back a little. 

"I'm okay," 

"Just let me see it, okay?" Stiles asked softly, Scott lifts up his top slowly, and there were two deep claws marks that weren't healing. 

Stiles then falls back into his seat, and we went back to the same position we were in before. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder, and I snuggle into his chest. 

"Oh, dude..." 

"I know it's bad. But it's because they're from an Alpha." Scott informed us. "It'll take longer to heal." 

"How come Boyd and Isaac are fine then?" I slowly lift my head up and saw that Boyd and Isaac were sitting with each other, a few seats down from us. I then rest my head on Stiles' chest again. 

"I can't believe he's dead." I whisper, a few more tears spilling down my cheeks. "I can't believe Derek's dead." 


"Two of you back in your seats." Coach blew the whistle. "Jerard, again, car sick, every..." I tried to turn off Coach's voice and sleep on Stiles, but I guess the universe hates me. "How do you even get on the bus? Look at me. No, don't look at me, look at the horizon. Keep your eyes... keep your eyes on the horizon. McCall, not you to?" My eyes snap open, and I realized that he wasn't talking to me and I groan lightly, shutting my eyes again. 

Scott clears his throat. "No, Coach, I'm good." Scott called. 

"Hey, Scott, you're bleeding again." Stiles informed Scott, noticing the blood going through the back of the seat. "And don't tell me this is just taking longer to heal, okay? Because I'm pretty sure that still bleeding means not healing, like, at all." 

"He's listening." I open my eyes and I sit up a bit straighter and noticed that one of the twins were listening. Pretty sure it was Ethan. 

"Is he going to do sometihng?" My voice came out raspy, and I cleared my throat. 

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