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"Mum, I'm going to the store." I called out to mum as I slip on my coat. It was late at night, and I needed some sleeping pills. I've been having more nightmares each night, I keep waking up and screaming. Scott was out looking for Boyd and Cora, who is apparntly Derek's sister. 

Talk about a plot twist. 

I slip on some shoes, and I tie them up and I walk down the stairs. I then close the door behind me once I got out and I locked it. I grabbed the keys from my pocket that I had grabbed from the bench, and I walk towards the car. 

I never really drive so this is new to me. I need to be careful, I do have my licenses, I'm just very good at driving. That's why I take a ride, Scott, and Stiles. I purse my lips together as I enter my car and I drive backward out of my driveway. 

I exit out of my car, as I was looking down at my phone. I had shut the door and I locked my car. I exhale loudly, and that's when I heard my name. "Stacey?" A familiar voice asked, and I looked up- I was nowhere near the store... in fact, I was at a pool. 

And I wasn't the only one here, in fact, Lydia was here too, making her way towards me from her car. "What are you doing here?" I asked, putting my phone away. She cocked her head at me. 

"I can say the same to you, too." Lydia told me, and I bite on my lower lip. Something's telling me this is a bad sign. "I didn't even realize where I was going until I got out of the car." 

"Yeah, me too." I told her and sighed. "Is it really a coincidence that the two of us were here at the same time? Not even planned?" 

Lydia shrugged. "I don't even know, let's go check it out." Lydia walked forward, and I quickly followed her, looking around for any danger. There seems to be none. We entered the pool area and looked around. It was empty, for sure, there was no one here. 

Lydia stopped and looked around, and so did I. There really was nowhere to look, actually. We looked at each other before we walked towards the pool, a little head inside me was screaming go back to the damn car. But I ignored it. 

"Oh, god." I cover my hand over my mouth when I saw a body lying in the pool, my eyes widening and Lydia steps back in shock, her eyes widening as well. My breaths were uneven, and I looked around. Is the killer still here? I turn my head back towards the dead body that was floating in the water. 

I purse my lips together, and Lydia started to slowly walk forward, I followed her. We slowly move towards the edge of the pool. "Oh, my god. Oh, my god." Lydia mutters over and over again, we had just found a dead body. "Please don't be dead, please don't be dead." It looks pretty dead to me. 

We slowly bend down to the edge of the pool, Lydia then took the honor and rolled the body over. I almost laughed when I saw that the body wasn't real, it was just a mannequin. I sigh in relief. Thank god. 

"Are you kidding me? What type of sick joke is this?" I whisper, and Lydia sighed as well. We got fooled, we got fooled really good. Where is the hell the cameras? That's when I felt a dripping substance above me and I held my breath. 

It hasn't been raining. My brain cracks through my head of what could the dripping substance on my shoulder could be. I slowly looked up, and tilted my head. I was hyperventilating. Sitting high on a seat, was a dead man. My eyes widen in shock at how much blood there. 

I then let out a hollering scream, and stumbled back on my butt, hugging myself.

"Stacey? Stacey? Lydia- Stacey!" I heard my boyfriend repeating our name constantly as I heard his Jeep pull up outside the pool. "Stacey, are you okay?" Stiles runs towards me, I nod as he wraps his arms around me tightly. 

"We're okay," I whimper out. "But that, over there, is not okay," Stiles looked up at the dead boy who was sitting on the chair. Stiles then removed himself from me, and I let out a shaky breath. 

"Yeah, okay, I'm going to call my dad." Stiles said and started to get out his phone. I shake my head. 

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