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I shut the door to the Sheriff's car. I stand next to Stiles as Mr. Stilinski and I drop into the Eichen House. We were dropping Stiles off. He needed to be there, for his safety. Stiles slowly took a step forward. It was night as well.

The Eichen House looked like hell. Stiles looked at his dad, then looked at me. We lace our fingers together. A motorbike soon approaches us, it was Scott. Scott quickly turned off the bike and walked over to us.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Scott asked, looking at all of us.

"Because we wanted to avoid something like this." Mr. Stilinski said.

"It's only 72 hours," Stiles said.

"72 hours," I repeated. That a long time.

"This is the same place Barrow came from." Scott said. "The guy who had a tumor inside him filled with flies," I never want to hear a fly sound again. "You don't know everything yet."

"I know enough." Mr. Stilinski started. "Nogistunes, kitsunes, oni, or whatever they're called."

"Wow, that's actually all surprisingly correct." Stiles beamed. My lips fall into a smile, he's actually learning.

"Scott, I saw an MRI that looked excatly like my wife's. And it terrifies me." Mr. Stilinski softly said as we stand outside the thick black gates, with pointy ends. "I'm headed down to L.A tomorrow to talk to a specialist."

"Then why are you putting him in there?" Scott asked.

"He's not." Stiles said. "It was my decision."

"No matter how many times I said no." I glance over at Stiles. No, we're not back together. But we can't seem to stay away from each other.

"Stiles, I can't help you if you're in here." Scott sighed.

"And I can't hurt you or Stacey," Stiles softly said.

"Deaton's got some ideas. Argent's calling people. We're gonna find something. And if we can't..."

"If you can't..." Stiles trailed off. He stepped closer to Scott. "You have to do something for me, okay? Make sure I never get out." He stepped back.

"Come on," Mr. Stilinski whispered barely.

I grab Stiles' hand before he goes, Mr. Stilinski had buzzed them in. I pull him closer to me, my lips hovering over his. I then connect our lips, and we drown in each other. I closed my eyes, loving the taste of his lips.

I take a step back, once I was out of breath. Scott looked between us, wide eyes. "I love you," I whisper.

"I love you more," Stiles mumbled, he took one last look at me, before he turned around and left with his dad. At least he still loves me.

I walked over to Scott. "I knew you guys couldn't resist each other," Scott smiled softly.

"We only broke up because he wants to protect me, Scotty," I softly said.

"Come on... we should probably get back to home." Scott nodded, I take the helmet he gave me.

"This is yours," I said, looking down at the black shiny helmet.

"I only have one," Scott pointed out. He then flashed his red eyes at me, smirking. "Plus, I'm a true Alpha."

I roll my normal brown eyes. "Get on the dirt bike, cocky bitch,"

Allison, Scott and I stand in front of Deaton's desk as we are in the animal clinic. Deaton was on the phone with Chris.

"Did you have any trouble with Ikeda?"

"Only minor," Deaton responded. The white wolf was exactly where you said it would be. But we have two problems now. First, the lichen is not a cure. It'll wear off in a matter of days."

After I had been knocked out by Stiles- Void Stiles, Deaton had come to save the day with lichen, injecting it into Stiles.

"But while it does work, the oni won't go after Stiles, right?"

"I hope. Eichen House has an unusual history," Deaton explained. "It might not be all that safe or the oni there as well."

"What's the second problem?"

"I checked with your contacts in Japan. The yakuza boss you saw killed by the oni ever found the scroll."

"What scroll?" Scott asked.

"A Shugendo Scroll." Deaton answered. Scott and I glanced at each other. "A Shugendo was the ascetic mystic of Japan."

"The scroll had information or how to exorcise a Nogitsune."

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