Chapter TEN - goodnight harry

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"This salad's really good," I murmured, I nervously looked up at Harry multiple times without him noticing. I could tell something was on his mind but he wouldn't say much, he just continued to push his food around on his plate.

It was starting to get dark out on the terrace and for some reason as the sun went down, the more nervous I began to feel.

Harry was obviously upset about something and I had no idea how he worked as a person. Within the past few days I've learned he's extremely kind but he's never once opened up to me, so I didn't know how to ask if he was okay.

He didn't respond, sending me into a more anxious state. I comforted myself with he had told me to stay, that he enjoyed my company, maybe he was a quiet person.

I shut my eyes and sighed. I knew that wasn't the case.

"Harry, please talk to me," I didn't raise my voice above a whisper, I didn't need to. The only competition in sound that I had was the wind, "Why did you have me stay if you are going to ignore me?"

Harry finally picked his head up and our eyes met, my stomach flipped around in itself while he lifted his eyebrows and sighed.

My foot started tapping, he peaked down under the table and smirked lightly to himself, leaning back in his seat and letting his head fall back onto the half wall keeping us enclosed on the terrace.

I stopped my foot from exerting my nerves and held a straight face, "I don't get you," I started, Harry sat up and gave me a confused gaze before leaning forward again and adjusting himself.

"Why's that?"

"You told me to stay and now you're completely ignoring me, I saw that, and..." I looked down, starting to put all of the pieces together.

Harry tilted his head to the side and gave me a blank stare, "What?"

"Why did you just smile at me nervously tapping my foot?" I questioned harshly.

He sat back in his chair and a smile reached his lips, "Nervously?"

I rubbed my eyes and groaned, "I hope you know that I get nervous when I go out to get the mail and have to ask for my key, don't be too flattered."

"Here, that's what's hurting my feelings. You won't let anything kind slide by. You always hold back from saying what you're actually thinking," Harry put his hands on the table, leaning closer to me.

I opened my mouth in shock, but I tried my best to shake it off and act tough again, "We are starting to get to know each other, yeah? One thing you should know about me is that I'm uncomfortable with showing people I care. I will do everything I can to make you happy and help our friendship but- ... Don't acknowledge it."

Harry huffed and took a bite of his salad, swallowing it before continuing, "I cannot wait to make you cringe every day while you're over here."

"Yeah, have fun trying that," I chuckled, pushing my plate aside and crossing my arms.

"You're going to love working here."

I felt myself break a sweat and my knees start to shake slightly at his words, nerves intruding my body without any warning.

The night air rustled through Harry's hair, his entire look was effortless and calm. I sat there and suddenly became self conscious to be here, a small nervous girl with this confident singer who had made himself a living off of talent.

I shunned away, scooting the chair out from underneath me and standing up.

"I'm really tired, I think I'm going to-"

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