Chapter THIRTY TWO - lights up

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My chest vibrated as an earthy laugh left my mouth, echoing into the nearly empty diner. I tucked a lose strand of darkened hair behind my ear and walked around the counter.

The coffee pot steam spilled up and over the glass container and tickled my chilled hands. Although LA was still around eighty degrees in the middle of October, early mornings without the sun were surprisingly cold.

"How are you this morning?" I carefully poured a regulars cup. Filled to the brim, just how he liked it.

The older gentleman didn't have a good steady hand, I don't really understand why he always asks for such a full cup. He spills half of it on the table every time. Chuck was pushing past his seventies and had been coming here at least every morning since I first started six months ago. Although he didn't speak much, his body language and grunts at my comments usually brightened my day a bit.

"Hmph," Chuck hurried and brought the cup to his lips and only creating a few drops on the table in the process.

I stepped away and almost instantaneously my back slammed into a grounded surface.

With a startled gasp I turned around and grasped the persons arm to steady them.

It was a younger man in his twenties, maybe thirties. A flu-protecting mask covered his nose and mouth, I tried to meet his gaze to find a hopefully pleasant-ish reaction but he wore darkened sunglasses.

"I'm so sorry sir, did I spill any.." My words trailed away as I frantically looked on and around him to find a trace of coffee, "I-I didn't see you, I apologize. Free coffee on me! Go grab a seat," I slipped around the tall stranger and made my way back to the counter.

Our cafe was open till 3 in the afternoon so the bulk of our costumers usually came from ten to two. Chuck and about three others were here right at six every morning, I peered around my shoulder to scout out the young man settling himself down in front of the old radio in the corner.

He wore extremely loose clothes, a beanie covering the majority of his hair, and dirty black old school vans. He began to press buttons on the radio and fiddle with the stations.

I couldn't help but let my curiosity get the best of me and I continued to stare at this man. It felt like he was out of his element here, the Beachwood Cafe was known for serving specifically older crowds. The outdated blue and yellow flooring was one of my favorite charming parts, but recently a more modernized shop down the street was shattering our business.

A crash out of my line of vision sent adrenaline pulsing through to every inch of my body, the guy turned around to the sound and caught me staring at him.

My mouth fell slightly, turning I saw I had shoved a small glass cup off the counter in an effort to reach for a mug.

"Little Lennie can't keep up, huh?" I couldn't help but smile through my blushing cheeks, Joseph peeped his head out of the kitchen and winked with a small grin.

"Mind your business," I chuckled over my shoulder, grabbing a coffee mug in a tight hold.

"I think I am," he muttered a little too loud.

My eyes bulged a bit but I relaxed my face when I realized the guy across the room was still watching, I gave him a big smile and rushed over with mug and coffee pot in hand.

"I'm sorry about tha', it's just not my morning now i-"

The radio next to the man lit up and my stomach sank at the sound of the voice.

The man before me shifted in his seat and let out a deep breath, I tried relaxing my tensed shoulders but I physically couldn't bring myself to move.

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