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"Well, then Aaliyah will you be calling your bluff." Chris asked with a smirk, Aaliyah's perfectly arched eyebrow rose and she slowly shook her head. Sevyn rolled her eyes.

"I hate this game. Come on Danielle, let's go find a game that we'll win." Amber said as she threw her cards. Aaliyah reached for them and shook her head.

"She would've won."Aaliyah said, putting Sevyn's cards down. Chris peeked and folded, making Aaliyah smile.

"But I lied, Perfect 21, pay up Breezy!" Aaliyah laughed. Chris smacked his lips.

"How do I pay?" Chris asked.

"You let Sevyn perform, with you on tour." She smirked. Chris was disappointed that he hadn't won, his payment would've been a fat kiss. He desperately wanted to know what her lips felt and tasted like.

"She already is, I was going to surprise her. Different payment." Chris lied. Aaliyah gave him a skeptical look.

"No lie." Chris said.

"Okay, I don't know, a high five or something." she said, really not knowing anything else to use as a prize.

"You make songs, and I'll never release them." Chris said.

"You didn't win." Aaliyah said, realizing what he was trying to do.

"Please LiLi, you know that you want to. And if I release any of it I tell you my deepest and darkest insecurity that nobody knows about, and you can tell the tabloids." he offered.

"Deal." Aaliyah said, as she shook his hand firmly.

"What's going on in here?" Karrueche asked walking in. Chris kind of frowned, but covered it by creating a funny baby voice.

"No! I no want you to pway." Chris said, making both his love interests laugh.

"Chris, stop being so damn childish." Kae said, Aaliyah agreed before walking out leaving them to be alone. Aaliyah believed that as a couple that the weren't getting a lot of time to be by themselves. Chris on the other hand wanted her to come back, even though he was the only feeling the awkward air.

"Man, I waiting for her to leave. Sometimes I swear she's stealing you from me." Kae said, jokingly but Chris took it seriously, which slightly angered him.

"Don't say that Aaliyah isn't interested in me." he said, hoping he was passing on false information. But deep down he knew that he most likely was telling the truth. She doesn't look like she has the same reactions to him like he does her. Kae, stood there stunned to see how zoned out he got. She was nervous at first but that shortly slipped her mind, knowing Chris he was thinking something magical.

He was thinking something 'Magical' alright.

Aaliyah soon walked back in to see a zoned out Chris. She giggled lightly, and that knocked him right out his little daze. He looked over and a large Kool-Aid smile appeared on his face. Making Aaliyah blush. Aaliyah couldn't lie Chris' smile really did something to her, plus his charm was something she had to adjust to.

"How long have you been standing there?" Chris asked, feeling kind of embarrassed hoping he didn't say her name out loud on accident.

"Not that long, Kae just walked out I thought you left too." Aaliyah said, whilst playing with her fingers.

"What did you come in here for?" Chris asked walking a little closer. Aaliyah automatically took one step back, creating an obvious undesired space before the two. Chris moved the couch and Aaliyah realized what they were doing, or what she thought they were doing. She moved the table, and started to move smoothly and sexily, making Chris wonder if she wanted it to. Aaliyah spun around making her large loose curls fall all over the place. Chris' knees then went weak. Making him want her even more he grabbed her hips and pulled her near, Aaliyah's head flew back causing her to look over and see Rashad.

"RASHAD!" Aaliyah yelled happily as she ripped away from Chris' hold. Chris was of course pissed beyond belief, but he was wondering why this dude was here and not where he sent him.

"Chris I gave Aaliyah's brother the address. " Karrueche smiled. Chris slickly glared at her before greeting Rashad. Unknowingly Rashad saw the look Chris just gave to his girlfriend.  Rashad being a writer decided he would write about it.

"Nice to meet you,  I'm-" Chris began before Rashad rudely interrupted him.

"I know who you are." Rashad said as he passed Chris to greet his baby sister. Chris watched as Aaliyah's eyes brightened. He was wondering how he could make her do that.

"Awe she missed her big brother." Karrueche cooed. Chris simply nodded. He looked down at his girlfriend and couldn't believe that he was thinking about putting them on pause just to see what would grow between him and Aaliyah.

"Liyah I missed you!" Rashad cried silently. Aaliyah looked up at him with tears rolling down her face.

"I missed you too booger face." Aaliyah said trying to lighten the mood. Rashad chuckled, before lifting Aaliyah off of the ground.

"Put me down!" She squealed.

"No! You got to apologize first." Rashad said. Chris chuckled at the sight. He imagined himself doing the same thing to her.

"Okay!Okay! Damn, I'm sorry for calling you a booger face!" Aaliyah spoke loudly. As soon as her feet touched the ground she turned her body around.

"You're still a booger face." Aaliyah said under her breath. Rashad heard her but was entirely too tired to chase her. Aaliyah was a big ass kid when she wanted to be. He admired that because she was the type to bring the inner child out of a grown man. Rashad watched as Chris eyed his baby sister. He wanted to rip the R&B singer's eyes out. Something was wrong with him. But Rashad was going to chill out and just write about whatever his eyes saw or ears heard.

"Tonight's our first on stage rehearsal, I'm so excited!" Sevyn danced in. When her eyes landed on Rashad, she noticed the semi glare he was giving Chris. She knew that this man was onto Chris and his heavy ass emotions, for Aaliyah.

"Hi, you must be Liyah's big brother. I'm Amber, but you can call me Sevyn." Sevyn introduced herself. Rashad looked over and smiled.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Aaliyah talks a lot about you and someone named Danielle, and Karrueche." Rashad said. Chris patiently waited for him to at least say something about Aaliyah talking about him. But Rashad knew that Chris would feel some type of way. Chris' face alone had him believe he did feel some type of way. Which made Rashad chuckle. Everyone looked at him crazy.

"It was a joke the pilot said I just now got it." Rashad lied. Making everyone look at him like he's crazy.

"Danielle this is my brother." Aaliyah walked in introducing her brother. Danielle shyly waved before walking out. Aaliyah shrugged and sat next to her brother and began asking important questions about home and what television shows she's been missing.






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