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"HOW DID YOU get out of your cell" Tony questioned stiffly, while Natasha and another man approached her, securing a new pair of hand cuffs on the girl. Amber wriggled her wrists, the tension once again building in her wrists but yet she tried not to resist.

"The door unlocked." Amber answered honestly, looking towards The Avengers, all of whom looking rough from the fight. Suddenly a small figure entered the room, and the woman Amber had rescued from earlier now stood by the door.

"Dr. Cho, How did you escape?" Tony began, causing all the Avengers to focus their attention on the disheveled woman.

"Her." Helen replied bluntly, pointing towards Amber, making everyone, once again, turn back to gaze at her. "Sh-She helped me escape..." Amber stood silently, as the Avengers tried to analyse the situation and after a few seconds of silence, someone spoke up.

"Why did you save her?" Steve questioned, stepping closer to the girl, Amber noticed his restrained actions as if he was preventing himself from jumping ahead.

"I'm human. I don't want to be the weapon Hydra created me to be." Amber explained, but she couldn't help but feel a spark of anger coarse through her, "So go ahead, lock me up, but if I wanted to escape or leave wouldn't you think I would already be gone?"  The Avengers fell into silence, they all looked like they were struggling to digest her words. Another few moments of silence passed until Tony spoke up.

"Well kid, go get cleaned up, and meet us back here as soon as possible." He stated, spinning around to come face to face with multiple holograms.

"Wait, what?" Amber asked her eyebrows scrunching together in complete disbelief.

"You saved an innocent life, without reason." Tony explained, "Therefore, you have a bit of decency and humanity in you. You deserve a room, without handcuffs or any restraints" Tony turned to face a woman in a black, knee length dress who stood on high alert,

"Maria, will you show her up to the spare room just across from Caps?" The man continued, upon hearing Tonys words, Natasha removed the girls handcuffs, letting them fall from her wrists.

"Follow me." Maria instructed, leading her off in the opposite direction, away from the Avengers. Amber followed at a fast pace behind the woman as Maria led her towards the elevators. The two stepped inside the metal elevator and an uncomfortable silence fell over the two.

The elevator soon stopped a mere seconds later and the woman led her down a long corridor. Amber bit her lip anxiously, wondering if maybe she should've just escaped until Maria stopped abruptly in front of a wooden door.

"This is your room. There's a shower and medical kit in the bathroom, if you need them. I'll send up some clothes, that may fit you." She told the girl, briskly walking back down the hall, leaving Amber alone.

Amber pushed the door cautiously, gasping at the sight ahead of her. Inside the room stood a large bed standing in the center while off to the side there was a big desk, but what caught Ambers attention was the big, glass window overlooking the city below.

She swiftly made her way over to the window, placing a hand on the glass in awe. She hadn't seen a view like this since her old apartments in Sokovia. Amber spun on her heel to face the room, this room itself, was bigger than the government house Amber and her siblings had shared. With a wide grin, the girl threw herself onto the soft bed, sinking into the mattress. She closed her eyes briefly, just relishing in the comfort she was now feeling.

Amber flung open her eyes remembering that Maria had mentioned a bathroom. She walked towards what looked like a cupboard door and opened it. Behind the doors lay a big bathroom decked out with a shower, a toilet, a sink with a mirror hung above it. The girls eyes glanced around the bathroom, landing on a railing off to the side. She spotted two pristine, white towels folded neatly on it.

Amber was quick to strip away her torn and old clothes, before stepping into the shower and turning it on. The girl basked in the heat and let the warmth completely envelop her. She let out a sigh of relief once she spotted body wash, shampoo and conditioner. Amber had soon washed herself, and turned off the shower, wrapping her self in the massive, white towel.

The girl opened the bathroom door cautiously, glancing around to see if anyone had entered while she was showering. Her eyes scoured the room before widening as she spotted a pile of clothes laid out on the bed.

She slowly walked up to the pile, flipping  through the many articles. Maria had sent up two pairs of extra small sweatpants, multiple t-shirts, a pair of slightly big jeans, a black leather jacket, and a few massive hoodies.

Amber could only presume were most of the clothing items used to belong to Natasha. She sorted through the clothes before picking up a pair of black jeans and a black short sleeved t-shirt. Amber dried herself quickly, then soon slipped the clothes on. The girl searched for any form of shoe before eventually locating a pair of combat boots in the corner.

She laced up her boots, then proceeded to quickly braid her partially wet hair. Amber admires herself in the mirror, her fingers running over her new outfit. She couldn't help but let a radiant smile plaster across her face as she looked at herself. Once completely satisfied, the girl left the room, making her way back downstairs to the room where she'd last left the Avengers.


If you have one superpower what would you have?

I would love to be able to control the mind, like, imagine how cool it would be!!

Anywhooooo, don't forget to comment + vote and Until next time people ;)

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