Who Am I?

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"Good Morning, Princess!"

Frey opened her green eyes and was greeted by the sight of one of her beloved butlers, Vishnal.

She slowly lifted her torso off of the bed she had slept in for the past 4 years. Once it had been strange to her but now it was familiar to her, filled with her own scent and her own heat but she could help but wonder...

Eyes squinting from sleep, she rubbed her bare hand on the soft bed coverings.

'Was there another bed somewhere, that had once been mine?' she wondered.

Her earliest memory was of falling through the sky and landing on Lady Ventuswill. No memory of family, friends, job, or home. Only a name and a birthday. She wasn't even completely sure how old she was.

Frey let out a small sigh, closed her eyes, and leaned forward. She could feel it. It was going to be one of those days.

"Uh, Princess?"

Frey's eyes snapped open. Her face was pressed against Vishnal's freshly pressed butler uniform. She pulled back.

"Sorry," she said listlessly. She pulled the rest of her body from underneath her sheet and smoothed the wrinkles in her blue nightgown. "Thank you, Vishnal."

"Are you feeling alright, Princess?" asked Vishnal, worriedly.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine."

"Are you sure, Princess?"

"Yes." Frey got up from the bed and moved toward her wardrobe. Vishnal gave her a worried look but gave her a short bow and exited the room.

Frey opened up her wardrobe and pulled out her usual outfit and accessories and placed them on the bed and stared at them. She never realized just how complex her usual outfit was until now. She fingered the hem of of her usual dress before deciding to wear something else. She searched through her wardrobe a bit longer until she found a plain light grey dress.

Honestly, she had NO idea why she bought it. It did very little for her body shape, had no defense, and was absolutely drab but today she was grateful for it. It was one of the only outfits she had that wasn't complicated or stood out a lot.

She contemplated putting on a bra but decided to forgo it in favor of comfort. It wouldn't really make much of a difference in the dress anyway. She slid the dress over her head and slipped on some sandals.

She went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and washed her face. She looked at her hair. Usually she would put it up in her usual pigtails and put on her tiara but she wasn't feeling it today. She decided to keep her hair out and to leave the crown at home.

She exited her bedroom and stepped out into the town square. She breathed in the fresh air. It was cloudy, and would probably be that way for the rest of the day.

'Perfect for my mood' thought Frey absently.

She decided that there would be no adventuring today. She strode through the early morning fog like a ghost. She didn't particularly have anywhere to go so she figured she'd go anywhere she liked. Most of the townspeople weren't awake yet so she was left alone with her thoughts.

'My first name is Frey,' she thought. 'I don't know my last name. It's possible I don't even have one. I live in Selphia near the edge of the kingdom of Norad. I ended up here when I fell out of the sky into the castle. I don't know how I fell out of the sky or why. I do not know where I came from nor if I am truly Noradian. Nobody in Selphia knew me before I fell here. I fell without any bags or other items in my possession.'

The Life and Times of Princess Frey(Rune Factory 4)Where stories live. Discover now