The Tale of a Sleeping Beauty Part 3

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"The magic trail has stopped, Sir!" cried out one of the soldiers piloting the airship.

"Dock the ship a mile away! We'll approach the location on foot!" Forte commanded.

"What is this area?" asked Vishnal as the ship descended along the magic path.h.

Volcanon looked at a map. "In this area is the entrance of a rather deep cave. Luckily, there are lanterns in the ship's hold and the monsters in the area are rather weak. We need only to focus on retrieving Frey and apprehending her kidnapper."

The party disembarked, leaving four soldiers to watch the airship.

"Forte, what's the plan?" asked Volcanon.

"The cave only has one entrance. We'll split into three groups. I will lead the first group and enter first. Volcanon and Vishnal, you will be with the second group. Enter the cave five minutes after we do. Keep silent and if you hear one of us call out, I want you to come to meet us as fast as you can. Clorica, you will be with the final group. Stay outside and guard the cave entrance. If Frey's captor somehow gets passed us make sure that he doesn't escape. Does everyone understand?" she said.

Everyone nodded and Forte divvied up the soldiers. The first group stood before the entrance before plunging into the cave.

A guard at the center of the group cast a spell to provide a dim light to make progress easier. Forte's group made slow progress into the recesses of the cave. The men were silent, for fear that any loud noise, whether it be their footsteps or their voices, would warn their enemy of their approach.

They continued for what must of have been 15 minutes until they came to a bend in the cave. Forte, at the lead of the party, beckoned for the magical light to be put out before she peaked around the corner to see what was ahead.

Around the corner, the cave continued a bit before opening up at the end of the corridor. Where the cave opened up, there was the flickering of a fire. Forte sniffed the air. There was the smell of something cooking wafting through the air. Along with the smell was the sound of a voice. She couldn't pick out what it was saying but it after a minute of listening to it quietly, there seemed to be the absence of response to the voice.

Forte beckoned to her soldiers and the party slowly crept forward one by one until they were just hidden by a large stalagmite. Forte peaked around the corner. Her eyes narrowed. Sitting by the fire was the mysterious man that had been in town only a few days before. She watched as the man turned a fish on a spit.

"Don't worry ,my dear. It is only 7 miles until we reach the Sech border. I'll teleport past the mountains and then we'll finally be able to make our journey to your new home." The bandaged man laughed. "I hope you're good at cooking. I prefer a hearty meal when I come home."

The man turned to a bundle lying behind him. Forte hadn't paid much attention to it before. She had been too busy searching the scene for Frey but now as the man pulled back the blanket back a bit, she was surprised to see the princess's face revealed.

The man picked up one of her pigtails and stroked it with his thumb. With his other hand he turned Frey's head in his hand. He stroked her rosy cheek, lightly grazing her long, delicate eyelashes. "You would make very pretty children," he commented.

Forte's blood ran cold she heard the slide of a sword coming out of its sheath behind her. She placed her hand on her soldier's sword handle and shook her head. She felt him tense before releasing his sword.

Forte steadied her own breathing. If she hadn't had to stop her subordinate, she would have had to stop herself. The thought of that man touching the princess made her want to rush in there and run him through with her blade.They needed an opening. If they just charged in there, Frey could be used as a hostage. She needed to draw him away from her.

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