Chapter Two: Sleep Is Important

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Harrys pov

After a long day of work, shit from coworkers and worrying about Sage, i was finally home.

The house was as quiet as a mouse, which surprised me since Sage and Malfoy both have big mouths.

I laughed gently at the sight soon in front of me.
Malfoy was curled up, sleeping quietly on the couch, Sage on the other couch.
She was snoring loudly, of course.

They both looked adorable- well Sage did... Not Malfoy..

I sighed and sat at the edge of the couch, smiling at the sight of Malfoy and Sage.

Malfoy was smiling in his sleep, which i hate to admit.. Was really cute..

"Potter?" he opened an eye, groaning.

I raised a brow, clearing my throat and speaking.

"Sleep is important Malfoy, have you gotten any? Besides the sleep you just got, of course." he looked tired when he showed up, which concerned me at the moment.

He shook his head in embarrassment, "Ive been stressed lately... Uh..W-why do you care potter?" he snarled quickly. I felt a pang of sadness and worry rush through me but tried to play it off cool.

I chuckled, "Silly Draco Malfoy, so sassy and vicious," i rolled my eyes, playfully and held my hand out.

"I want to be friends Malfoy, we might as well since you'll be taking care of Sage," I pressed my chest against his, whispering in his ear, hand still in his in a "shaking manor."

"I still hate you though Draco,"

"I hate you more, Harold." I laughed gently into his shirt, pulling away.

We talked for a few moments about stupid shit like life and how apparently i needed a haircut. I disagree..

"You can sleep here tonight if you want?" The blonde smiled toothily back at me, shaking his head.

"You're too much Potter, way too much. I couldnt possibly-"

  "Please do, Ron and Hermione don't visit much so im pretty lonely." I hated that i wanted him to stay so badly, he wasnt too terribly bad. I wanted to give him a chance.

He hung his head down low, sighing.

"I cant-" again, i interrupted. I didn't want to be alone tonight. It didn't matter if it was fucking voldemort 2.0 staying with me, it would be better than being by myself.

With Ginny on my mind, i needed a distraction. Just a friend or company or in this case even a rival. I don't know what i would do if i was by myself for that long of a time.

"We can watch a movie. You pick," with that his eyes lit up and sooner than i knew it, i put Sage to sleep and we were in my bed. No not doing anything PG 13+ you dirty minded perve.

Of course he had to pick a horror movie.

"Thanks for letting me stay over, Potter. To be honest I've had a really rough few months, having being broken up with by my boyfriend. Feels nice to have a friend," he sighed, staring at the tv as screams were heard from it.

I stared at him, seeing the sadness in his eyes and pulled him close.

He was tense in my arms but slowly cuddled into me.

"We wont ever speak of this got it, Potter? This is just once," He blushed, his face a bright cherry red.

I nodded and we continued to watch the movie.

Was it bad i didn't want this to be the only time i cuddled Draco like this?

Maybe it was but i couldn't help but feel happy with him in my arms, slowly falling asleep.

When i woke from the most amazing sleep I've had in a long time, Draco was no where to be seen.

But a green sticky note was placed on my forehead. I chuckled stupid, silly draco.

The note was written in curvy, cursive letters. His initials at the bottom, a simple heart next to it. I blushed harshly.

"Thank you for letting me stay last night. I hope you will let me babysit Sage again, shes a sweetheart. As are you, potter. Keep that in mind. By the way i stole your sticky notes, they were green and really cute ;) Theyre mine now. Good luck with Sage, take care harold ~ Draco M."

Maybe Draco wasn't as bad as i thought. He wasn't like he was when we were in Hogwarts.

He was kind (sometimes) and knew exactly how to make me laugh somehow.

I was definitely going to invest in some more green sticky notes, and possibly invest in letting Draco babysit Sage again.

After all, i liked Draco, as a friend you idiots.

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