Chapter Ten: He's gone.

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Harrys pov

It took all the strength I had not to transport myself into Dracos room. The plan was to sneak in and steal him, though the consequences were possibly getting arrested; I didn't care. I just wanted Draco to be safe. I knew even if I was arrested Draco would be a great father for Sage.

I gulped and took in a breath of air, sliding through the glass doors (under my invisibility cloak of course). Except the tall, slender, blonde was no where to be seen; But a man with thick black hair was, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Harry Potter, how nice to see you." he spat, his black eyes filled with anger and disgust.

"I-I don't know who you are..." Harry choked out as he was pressed against the hospital wall.

Fear struck through him, his scar beginning to burn and sizzle in pain.

"Maybe because this isn't my body. Maybe because you managed to destroy me last time," he pressed his slender finger against the famous scar, causing Harry to let out a piercing scream.

"You can't defeat me now can you? Because I've gotten stronger, and I'm going to become even more powerful." he hissed, scratching at the scar with a smirk.

"Y-you-- this isn't possible! Why would you hurt Draco? Why would you--" before he could finish voldemorts ice cold hand was wrapped around his neck.

"Because I sensed his love for you. I sensed his need for you. I knew from the beginning he would come for you. I'm not here to ruin him, I'm here to ruin you." his smirk deepened, his hand tightening.

"Y-you did all of it-- because you knew it would all lead back to m-me?" Harry managed to choke out, tears seeping out of his green orbs.

"Precisely. And of course, I just had to have some fun with it. So why not beat Malfoy until he leaves.. Until he runs back to little ole Harry Potter." this made the chosen me squirm, throwing a punch straight at Voldemorts jaw.

"You're never ever going to hurt Draco. Not again." he cried out, watching as the man just lunged for him. At this point he didn't care, he just wanted Draco safe, he wanted Sage safe.

But the man didn't hurt Harry. He just managed to transport him to what seemed like the Malfoy Manor. The manor had looked torn down and ruined, some pieces of it falling off.

"Where are they-- where the fuck are they?!" Harry was practically sobbing at this point; searching for his beautiful family.

"Tch." In a snap of Voldemorts fingers they were in another part of the Malfoy Manor, the two harry was worried about were right in front of them.

Draco had a gash over his left cheek and a fresh black eye the color of the night. Sage sat unconscious next to the sobbing Malfoy; Who had looked up at Harry in sadness.

"Harry you've got to leave- its all a tr-" in seconds the blonde was shut up, Toms wand at his pale throat before turning steely sternly back to Harry.

Quickly, he tossed Harry his wand, "Wouldnt be much fun if I just killed you, would it?" He smirked, pressing his lips together in satisfaction.

"I suppose not." Harry smirked tiredly, with his wand he would surely win, there was no doubt.

But for a moment Harry had regretted the smirk on his face, accepting the wand and thinking he could win.

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