Chapter Six: Tutus And Teacups

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Dracos pov

"You have to be kidding me," I heard a groan and turned to see Harry in a snazzy pink tutu.

I held in a laugh, "Poor baby." i cooed playfully, earning a glare from the man.

"Shut it Malfoy, I dont wanna hear another word." he said before posing into a ballet motion.

"Fuck I love you and your stupid pink tutu." I burst into laughter, the black haired boy tiptoeing over to me.

He pressed his lips against mine, tangling his fingers into my Platinum blonde hair. I giggled against his lips as he bit my tongue playfully.

"Wanna come play with me and Sage, mister lazy?" He mumbled into my neck, kissing my jaw gently.

"As long as i dont have to wear a pink tutu." I chuckled, only to have my body lifted from the couch and into Sages playroom.

She was in a frilly purple dress and a golden crown, sitting at a small table. The table was covered in toys and play tea cups.

"Sit, peasants!" She ordered, a smirk similar to Harrys was plastered on her face.

Soon after that i was forced into a tutu. But instead of pink it was blue.

"Hey! You said a pink tutu. It isn't pink its blue!" the man snickered as he took a sip of imaginary tea from the tea cup.

I rolled my eyes and sat next to Harry, "Sometimes i regret moving in. Its like im taking care of two babies."

He pretended to gasp as if he were offended, "Malfoy, that is very rude of you to say. I am a grown man."

"You sure about that, scarhead?" I nudged him, kissing his famous lightning scar and making sure Sage wasn't looking.

We hadn't said anything about us yet, mostly because we weren't even dating. We were basically really... Really close friends.

Sage was looking at her barbies, making the two dolls she held kiss. "Kissy kissy." she spoke quietly, focusing on what seemed to be making the dolls make out.

"Uh.. What are you doing, Princess?" Harry rose a brow, staring at the small child who gulped as she stared back at him.

"Nothing daddy.. Just uh.." she didn't finish before tossing the barbies aside. Her face was as bright as a cherry.

The man looked content before turning to me with his all famous cheesy grin. My heart pounded, he was too fucking cute for his own good.

"Dance for me peasants!" the black haired girl giggled, biting the ear of the stuffed bunny she now held.

Harry chuckled before reaching a hand out for me to grab, "Oh hell no. I cant dance."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand before spinning me.

"Im going to kill you Potter." I shrieked and gripped his mascular (compared to mine) shoulders.

Sage clapped as the male continued to spin me around. She must be enjoying my suffering.

"Potter! Let me go this instant!" I whined against him.

He finally complied and set me down onto the floor, ruffling my hair. I huffed in annoyance, how dare he mess up my perfect hair!

I glared before nipping at his hand playfully, "Mess up my hair again and i'll ruin you Potter."

"Whatever you say Darling, you know i could ruin you at any second if you know what i mean," he winked, rubbing the bitten flesh on his hand.

"Thats it Potter. Im grabbing the pan." I chuckled and surprising didn't actually grab the pan from the kitchen counter. I just flicked his cheek playfully and huffed.

Before i could even say quidditch the males lips were pressed against mine. I melted into it, forgetting about the little girl who had been sitting in front of us.

We pulled away once hearing her gasp, "Kissy kissy!" she hummed and winked at me.

I snorted at the child and shook my head. She was just like her father and I loved her so much.

"Oopsie... Sorry Sagie." The boy who lived rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed as ever.

She simply just smirked and giggled as if waiting for us to kiss again.

I blushed harshly before turning to Harry, his eyes fixed on the chipped tea cup in front of us.

"I love you.." he mumbled and I smiled, could he get any cuter?

"I love you too!" I ignored the little gasp that escaped Sage's lips and watched as Harry sarcastically groaned.

"I was talking to the teacup." he picked it up and Sage giggled, clapping her tiny hands together.

Harry was so good with kids and me of course. He knew just what to do to make me laugh and i was grateful for the older male.

"Well it looks like its time for bed, Little Miss." the man spoke, patting the youngsters head.

"Noooo, daddy don't make me!" she hissed into his pant leg as she held onto him.

I chuckled before picking her up myself, "You, little one have to listen to your daddy okay?" she stared with her big blue eyes and nodded.

Of course the look on Harrys face wasn't so pleased. He looked intensely upset, which i would ask about once Sage was asleep.

"Hey Harry?... Why did you seem upset earlier once Sage went to bed?" I asked once the girl was fast asleep. 

He groaned, "I just feel like she likes you more or that im not a good dad."

Harry? Not a good dad? It was absolutely impossible.

"Listen here, Asshole. You are an amazing dad and Sage and I love you so fucking much. Got it bitch?" I was generally pissed. I was comforted when i heard Harrys laugh against my hair.

"Your such a dick but your also sweet at the same time. You confuse me, Malfoy." He mumbled quietly into my blonde locks.

"I know i do. Im just that fabulous, and also, you are what you eat." I winked, a blush forming on the others cheek.

"You're so naughty, jeez. Dirty boy." he chuckled, patting my bum.

"Mhm! Says the one who was sucking my tongue yesterday." I said playfully stern.

"Hey! You liked it and you know it!" He whisper yelled, making me giggle against him.

"Shush." he raised a brow and caressed my cheek.

"Make me." he spoke, biting his pink bottom lip.

I slammed my lips into his, all following into a heavy make out session until a small girl ran into the room and screeched, "Kissy kissy!"

Ive never been so embarrassed in my life.

Just a short, fluffy chapter for now, more intense stuff will happen in the next chapter i suppose.

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