Chapter Three: The 'Not' Date

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Dracos pov

I sighed, sitting quietly in the middle of my empty apartment.

Id just gotten home from Potters house, the unwelcoming apartment glooming me.

I felt safe with Harry and i didn't like it. I didn't like how i had seen him after 10 years and all the sudden its like im in love with him all over again.

I knew i loved him all throughout 3rd to 8th year but thought i was completely over him.

I was angry with myself for wanting to kiss him so badly.
This was business, i was just the babysitter. Potter couldn't possibly see me as more, unless as a friend.

I couldn't let my feelings get the better of me, and if i did i knew i couldn't babysit Sage anymore.

Harry wasn't even gay, also being a widow at the same time.
It was wrong and i wasn't going to do that to him..

I couldn't.

Harrys pov

Its been a total of a week since we'd last seen Draco.

Today Sage was starting pre-school and we'd see him.

Sage was excited to see Draco again, but scared to be starting school. Which i don't blame her for.

The doorbell was heard meaning draco was probably at the door.

I opened it to see a tired looking Draco Malfoy. There was dark circles under his eyes, that looked dull and sad.

"M-malfoy? Come inside," he seemed so depressed and i really didn't like it.

I opened the door for him, his silence making my stomach churn. Draco had a big mouth and wasn't one to be silent unless something was really wrong.

He sat on the couch, still silent.

"You'll be alright to drive Sage to school correct? You seem upset Draco," he shrugged and looked up at me with those sad eyes.

"I can drive her, you can go to work Potter. I can handle it. What do i do while everyone is gone?" he furrowed his eyebrows, in confusion.

"Anything you want, there's video games upstairs and horror movies too. Just keep yourself entertained," I chuckled, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing.

He nodded, a small smile beginning to form.

I quickly called Sage down for school pressing a sweet kiss on her forehead and hugging her tightly.

"Have fun at school today okay? If anything happens you can call Daddy or Draco, okay? I love you so so much," She giggled and nodded in happiness.

"I love you too Daddy!" Draco watched in awe and slowly i pulled away from the small girl.

I soon wrapped my arms around Malfoys thin frame, i could feel him sinking into me as if we were one.

I felt so safe and never wanted to let go as cheesy as it sounds.

"Take care of yourself, while im gone, alright?" I felt him nod quickly and hesitantly.

With that i was on my way, the touch of Draco still on my mind, which i liked but didn't like at the same time..

Draco's pov

"Do you have a crush on my Daddy?" Sage giggled at my flush faced.

I bit my lip, "Shush small child, you have school. My crushes are not important."

"They are to me!" She whined and pouted. I shook my head and laughed quietly.

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