Chapter Seven: With You

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Harrys pov

"Go on a date with me." I was practically wearing my embarrassment on my sleeve. Draco who was doing this dishes, turned surprised at what i had said.

His bright blue eyes widened, "A date with The Chosen One?" he gasped sarcastically, putting the dish he had down gently.

"Yes ferret, a date with The Chosen One. Now yes or now? Im very impatient." i rolled my eyes, biting my tongue nervously.

"Hm.. I'll have to think about it.." he pretended to think, making me almost want to beat him with my handy kitchen spoon. Of course i didnt... Even though i really really wanted to.

"Yes, i suppose i will. Only because i know it will make you happy." he sighed playfully and pecked at my lips.

"You're a brat." I mumbled, only to have the blonde grab a clean pan and chase me around the house with it.

Rule when living with Draco Malfoy: never call him a brat or you'll be forced to feel his pan wrath.

I caught my breath, hiding beside the sofa and pulled out my phone. Of course this could be my last moment alive, i might as well catch it on camera.

The blonde found and tackled me, i got all of it on camera. He bit my nose and hit my forehead with a warm towel. He then left and continued doing the dishes again.

"Humf. And i thought Draco Malfoy loved me. Turns out he loves his pan and his towel more." I groaned before searching up places to take Draco on our first date.

I wanted it to be special because Draco deserved that. He deserved the perfect night and i wanted to make sure i gave that to him.

After a couple of hours we brought Sage to the "Weasletts" as the blonde called them.

With that we were on our way to our date.

"Where are you taking me?" the male asked as he held onto my hand that was rested on his thigh.

"Its a surprise ferret. You have to wait to find out," I winked, turning my eyes back to the road.

We arrived there after a couple complaints from Malfoy about how far it was.

"We're here." I watched Dracos face light up with that brilliant smile of his.

In front of us was a fancy french restaurant covered in gold and green paint. I thought it was perfect for our date, but soon regretted taking us here afterwards.

"I don't know what to get.. Its all in french..." the light from the boys face was taken away and lit up with absolute annoyance. 

"Uh.. For now we'll just get wine and a salad is that okay, Dray?" he smiled halfheartedly and nodded.

I nodded to the waiter who was soon serving us our drinks. Much to my surprise the waiter had barely gotten any wine in our glasses.

Wine covered the white table sheet and Draco and I's pants.
He looked as if he was about to burst in anger and embarrassment.

I felt bad and tried cleaning us up. I waved off the waiter who was mumbling "sorry" with the french accent he had.

I groaned, holding back frustrated tears, "Im so sorry Draco. This date was supposed to be perfect. Everything is going wrong though."

"Its okay I promise. But lets get out of here, Potty. Its far too fancy for my liking anyways." the blonde chuckled, taking my hand in his and sneaking out the front door of the restaurant.

We stumbled around the block until finding a quiet ice cream place. Draco smiled at me before pointing at it, I simply nodded and kissed his nose.

"Two strawberry ice creams please." I mumbled to the cashier, pulling out my wallet and earning a glare from a very stubborn Draco Malfoy.

He pointed his index finger out before shaking it and snatching the wallet from my hands.

He placed his own money onto the flat surface, finally handing me my wallet.

"You're a real brat you know that?" I rolled my eyes, snatching it from his hand and stuffing it into my back pocket.

"I know, but you love me so shut up or i wont kiss you for the rest of your life, Golden Boy." he spat sarcastically and laughs gently.

Once we got our cones we walked around the city of london, just holding hands and having a good time.

We shared stupid small talk and got to know each other better. I realised that Draco was basically perfect. He was so amazing and he made me so happy. It was the first time in a long time since ive felt this kind of love. I missed it a bit too much to my liking.

We rolled over onto the untrimmed grass of a field behind a random pink bakery.

"This is probably the worst date ive ever been on." the mercury eyed boy laughed, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Oh shut up, you loved it Malfoy." I nudged him and kissed his forehead. I tangled my hands into his short blonde hair, smelling the scent of apples.

"I love you and im sorry the date didnt turn out as planned." I gessured to his now red pants.

He shook his head, kissing my lips softly, "It was perfect, dont worry you idiot. But.. When is it not perfect when im in the situation." he winked, nipping at my neck playfully.

"You're a handful Draco Malfoy. But im happy to have you here with me. You made this terrible date absouletly perfect." I sighed happily before rolling over and pulling Draco on top of me.

I pulled him into a passionate kiss that led into love bites and lips bites.

I couldnt be happier anywhere else but with Draco Malfoy in my arms, the boy who i had once hated all those years ago. The boy I now loved and wanted to hold in my arms forever.

I was happy for the first time in many years since Ginny passed away. I had my sassy little ferret boy to thank for that.

"I love you, Idiot." the blonde mumbled against me, his green shirt laying on the ground.

"I love you too, Dray." I hummed, placing a tender kiss on his soft pink lips.

"Make love to me, Harry." he whispered, love filling his bright blue eyes.

"Are you sure? We're in the middle of a field, we could get ca-" he wasnt having it and shut me up with a harsh but sweet kiss.

"Im ready. If its with you i know it will be perfect and you wont hurt me.." id never seen Draco like this, he seemed so innocent and calm. His eyes were glistening with love, passion, trust and a bit of lust.

And well, what happened next isnt exactly pg 13 but i had felt my bound with him strengthen afterwards. I held him close and kissed him gently, falling asleep with the taller boy in my arms.

Hope you guys liked it. I wasnt sure if you guys wanted smut or not so i didnt add any but i will next time if wanted. :) thanks for reading bye bye!

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