road trip (pp)

845 22 1

word count: 1236

synopsis: you and peter just graduated go on a road trip together for the weekend!

warnings: maybe a lil pg-13?

You and Peter had finally graduated high school, and because of that, your parents, and May, of course, agreed to let the two of you go on a road trip together before you both left for college.

You weren't going far, just to upstate New York. Into the open, fresh air to camp out in a cute little cabin in the woods. You packed up your stuff and waited for Peter. You were both meeting at your house and taking your mom's car.

You heard a loud knock on the door. "Heyyyy.", Peter said to you as you opened the door and he stepped inside, putting his stuff on the ground to give you a big hug. "How are you?"

"I'm so excited is what I am...", you said back, pulling away from his tight hug.

"Ugg. Me too.", he exclaimed, brushing his hand across the side of your cheek. "We haven't had good quality time together in forever. I've missed it."

"Yeah, me too.", you said sweetly, staring into Peters' eyes as you heard your mom walk in and both your heads jolted toward her.

"Oh, hi Peter. How are you?", your mom asked.

"I'm doing good Mrs. Y/l/n... and you?", he asked politely.

"Well, I am great. Y/N is so excited about this little trip the two of you are taking...", she said smiling.

"I am too. It's gonna be a great time.", he said looking over to you.

"Yeah, well it's not gonna be so great if we never get there.", you said laughing. "Are you ready?", you turned to him.

"Yep... You?", he asked back, picking up his bags.

"Yeah, lemme go grab my bags, you can go ahead and put your stuff in the car, I'll be out in a minute.", you said, letting go of his hand, not even realizing you were grabbing it.

You grabbed your bags, said goodbye to your mom and dad, and headed out to the car... You were more than ready for this trip for so many reasons. Obviously to spend time with Peter, but also to get a break from your parents.

Peter was driving half the way, and you the other half, but you insisted Peter started because he gets tired really easily and you don't so, it only makes sense that he goes first. So, he put the car in drive, and we were off.

The two of you decided to stop for snacks and drinks now so that you didn't have to later so you stocked up on tons of candy and chips and water.

"Soooo.", you said taking a sip of your water. "How much did you miss me the two days we didn't get to see each other?", you asked smiling at him.

He smiled back. "Wayyy too much. I don't know how we are gonna survive in college."

"What?", you said. "Survive as in like, our relationship?"

"Noooo.", he said smiling. "We've talked about this. I mean survive in general. I might die not being able to see your face every day..."

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