moving in (pp)

859 25 13

word count: 787

synopsis: you move in next to peter in his apartment building and this is how you meet!

warnings: none

It was Saturday morning and here you were, in New York.  You had just moved to Queens after your dad got a new job.  You grew up in California, so needless to say, this was a pretty big change.  Although you were sad at first, you had always loved New York, and Queens wasn't too far from the city, so, this would be a great new adventure.

You had been moving boxes up and down the stairs for what felt like hours now and as you made your way up for the thousandth time, you were exhausted.  After trying to open up your apartment door with one hand and the big brown box in the other and failing a few times, a boy came out of nowhere.

"Oh hey!  Need some help?", he said, laughing and taking the box from your hands.

"Oh! Thanks.", you said back sheepishly.

"Yeah no problem...", he said back and there was a short pause.  "So, you're the new neighbors..."

"Yep, I guess so...", you said as the two of you walked into the kitchen and the boy set the box down.

"Well, I'm Peter... I live next door.", he said with a smile on his face, holding out his hand or a handshake.

You shook his hand back, "I'm Y/N...", you replied.  "It's nice to meet you!"

"So...", Peter said, looking around, "Where are you from?"

"California.  Around the San Diego area.", you replied.

"Oh, wow. Far from home, huh?", he said laughing a little.

"Yeah.", you laughed back.  "It's definitely gonna be difficult to adjust, but I love New York so, I'm not too mad about it.  Although, I will miss the beach and the nice winter weather."

"Yeah... it gets pretty cold here, but maybe you'll like it?", he said back.

"Who knows...", you said back.

"So how old are you?", he asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Sixteen.", you replied. "And you?"

"Same here!  I go to Midtown High...", he said back.

"Oh that's awesome!  That's where I am going!", I said back excitedly.  I really liked him.

"No way! That's great.  It's an amazing school, I think you'll really like it.", he said back smiling at you.  You couldn't help but blush a little.

"Well, looks like we will be seeing quite of bit of each other these next few years, huh?", you asked.

"Guess so...", he replied.

There was a short moment of silence.  But it was good.  You liked Peter... He seemed like good friend material.

"Well, um... I should probably get back to helping my parents with some boxes...", I said sadly.

"Oh! Um, I can help out if you want?  I'm sure an extra pair of hands would help...", he said back.

"Really?  We could really use the help.", you said back.

"Yeah! Why not... I have nothing else to do.", he said.

"Alright cool, follow me.", you said back as he followed you out the door.

After probably another hour or so of bringing boxes upstairs and unpacking them, you finally decided you needed a break and would finish tomorrow.  You and Peter were lounged out on the couch.

"I'm so tired.", he exclaimed.

"I don't think I will ever be able to move my body again...", I said back and we both laughed as we stood up.

"Well... I should probably head back, I'm sure my aunt has dinner made for me.", he said.

"Yeah yeah for sure.  It was really nice to meet you Peter!", you said, leading him to the door.

"Yeah, you two Y/n...", he said back, turning around and smiling at you.  "You should come over sometime and meet my aunt and hang out!", he said excitedly.

"Yeah for sure, that sounds really fun...", I replied.

"Well, I'll see you around?", he asked.

"For sure...", you said back as he walked off. "Oh! Thanks for helping us out by the way!", you said yelling at him, making him turn around.

"Anytime!", he yelled back, a smile on his face.  You were still blushing and you closed the door.

"He seems nice, sweetie.", your mom said, probably noticing you were blushing.

"Yeah... he's sweet.", you replied.  "I think I'm gonna head off to bed.", you said in a daze.

"Okay hun... Love you.", your mom replied.

"Love you too.", you said back.

And that is how the best day of your life ended.

(A/N : ok cute ass concept but idk it may suck i really don't know so like if you like it ill make more parts but sorry it's short and if there are errors, i didn't read back through it lol it is 3am so that fun yay no sleep.)

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