unrequited pt. 1 (pp)

475 12 0

word count: 1564

synopsis: you and peter are highkey crushing on one another but both are in relationships...


Peter. Parker.

He just looked so perfect sitting over there with his curly hair and big, brown, puppy dog eyes...

"Babe?", I heard out of the corner of my hear.

"Huh?", I replied, looking over to my boyfriend.

"You good? You were all zoned out...", he explained and all I could do was nod. He did NOT and would not EVER know about my little 'thing' I've had for Peter.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm good. Just tired, that's all.", I smiled and got back to eating my lunch.

It was insane. It was insane that I liked Peter while I had a boyfriend! Not only that, but he had a girlfriend. Maybe it's just the 'oh we've been friends for a long time, being in a relationship would be weird' type thing, but I'm not so sure.

Peter and I have been friends for YEARS. When I say years, I mean my parents and May and Ben have been friends since high school, so a long time to say the least.

It seemed to me as if when Peter liked me growing up, I didn't like him, and when I liked him, he was already over me. So, I guess it just never worked out between us. Nevertheless, we are still best friends and spend most of our time together when our 'significant others' aren't trying to whisk us away.

When I walk out of school every day, I wait for Jake (my boyfriend) to leave before I go anywhere near Peter so that he doesn't throw a hissy fit. Geez, are girls not allowed to have guy friends once they're in a relationship?

"Peter!", I yelled as he turned around and I ran over to him.

"Hey! Is Jake gone?", he asks and I nod.

"Stella?", I ask about his girlfriend and he nods. "Phew. I can only put up with him for so long.".

"I feel you.", he replies and we start walking to our apartment building. "I just feel so... constricted when I'm around her.".

"Yeah... So how were your classes today?", I ask.

"Bo-ring.", he replies. "You know...", he starts whispering. "Ever since this whole Spider-Man thing started happening, school sucks.".

I laugh. "I would imagine. Hey, speaking of the whole Spider-Man thing... Have you said anything to Stella?", I ask.

"Oh gosh, no. I don't know if I ever will. Not unless we get really serious in our relationship.", he said and my heart dropped at the thought of him and Stella being anything more than what they are now.

"So what? Are you not planning on being with Stella for long?", you cringed.

"Ug, I don't know. She's just a lot to handle and even though we really did like one another at first, I feel like it's just not the same anymore, you know?", he asks, referring to Jake.

"Yeah, I get it. Jake... he just... he's a lot sometimes too and I wish I could just say 'hey, I'm hanging out with Peter and there's nothing you can do about it' or 'I'm breaking up with you and you can't be mad about it because honestly, you're a jerk.'", I reply.

"Woah. Um, so YOU'RE gonna break up with him?", he asks.

"I think so?", you were still walking. "But I think I'm gonna wait till after the dance so that he doesn't totally hate me for leaving him dateless...", I explain.

Peter Parker/Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now