freezing (pp)

592 24 4

word count: 1313

synopsis: you aren't dating or anything but you're on a camping trip and it's cold and you are forced to help each other stay warm hehehehe.


You were adamant about not coming on this camping trip, but your best friend begged you to come and you weren't allowed to say no.

So far, it was cold, tiring, and full of couples making out while you sat and watched in silence.  For some reason, no one ever mentioned to you that this was a couples trip. 

There was one boy who was here alone as well.  Peter.  You had been close friends, but you didn't know each other very well.  Maybe this would be a good time for the two of you to get to know each other.

"Gosh, it's freezing...", your best friend shivered under her boyfriend's arm.

"I can help with that...", he smirked at her and she smiled back.

"Um, I think we are gonna go back to the tent.  Are you cool with that?", she asked you, her eyes widening, practically begging you to say yes.

"Oh, yeah, that's fine... I'll hang here.", you smiled at her as they ran off to the tent that the two of you were supposed to be sharing.

"Well, it looks like you and I are gonna be sharing a tent tonight.", Peter laughed next to you.  You were the only two left by the fire since everyone was so 'cold'.  That also translates to horny.

"Guess so...", you laughed back, shivering under your blanket and there was a moment of silence. "So... How'd you get dragged onto this trip?", you asked.

"Oh, my friend... He made me come.", he laughed.

"Same...  She um, wanted a friend but it looks like she's fine with just her boyfriend...", you laughed again.

You sat in silence again as you listened to the music playing over the crackle of the warm fire.

It was getting late and you were exhausted, but you liked sitting here, in silence.  You were enjoying yourself.

"Isn't it weird that you and I have been going to school together for ten years, yet we've never really been friends?", you asked.

"Yeah...", he thought about it.  "It is weird.  We've been in the same classes and everything...".

"I know...", you frowned and looked over at him.  "But here we are.", you looked around.

"True...", he replied.

"Hey, I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm exhausted and I don't really have anywhere to sleep since...", you trailed off. "Anyway, do you mind if I stay in your tent?", you asked.

"Oh, yeah, of course!", he replied with no hesitation and the two of you stood up from the fire.

(a/n: lol i'm annoying but i promise this gets so cute just stay with me i know it's slow ok bye)

You walked to his tent and made your way inside.

"Welcome to my crib...", he joked, showing off his tent and you laughed.

"Nice one.", you chuckled and continued in.

"You don't have anything to sleep in?", he noticed.

"Oh, no, it's okay...", you replied. "I can sleep in these clothes.".

"No, here.", he said, reaching into his bag. "I always bring extra clothes, you can wear these.", he said, handing you a pair of sweatpants and a sweater.

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