Important Information!

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We want to start by apologizing for the long delay. We started this award book really impulsively and in the moment, and didn't take into account that, in addition to a few personal conflicts, our judging period overlapped with the end of the school year and the beginning of summer for a lot of our judges (which meant finals and vacations/camps starting up). All of that combined ended up putting our process on hold for a while.

We are proud to announce though that your wait has almost officially come to an end! 

We will begin releasing results sometime later this week, but before that happens, here's what you guys need to know:

1. We're going to be announcing winners from two categories at a time, NOT all at once. Don't panic if your category isn't first! We'll get to you soon.

2. Winners will receive a PM from our account after the announcement regarding winning stickers and (optional) interviews to be published on this account.

3. Overall winners will be announced AFTER all category winners have been released.

It's been a real joy for all of us to go through your entries, and we really do appreciate your patience!

If any of you have questions about anything, feel free to comment them on this chapter and we'll get back to you as soon as we possibly can!

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