Results: Other

139 16 6

We'd like to start by thanking everyone for participating and sticking this out. It took longer than expected to finish scoring all these books, and honestly we're all huge procrastinators beside that.  

Before we get down to business though, we do have one quick note to make, so try not to skip straight down to the results.

As promised, we will be posting more detailed reviews for category winners, but they're going to be posted alongside author interviews in a separate book on this account instead of in this one. It'll just keep things a little bit more organized and less crowded together in the long run.

Even if you aren't one of our winners, we highly suggest checking out the review book once it's posted. You might just find some fun new books to read!

And now, without further ado, it's the moment you've all been waiting for (we're really sorry): the beginning of our winner announcements!  

Before we get to the category winner, we are giving one honorable mention, and it goes to... 

Heir to the Eternal Throne by Unspoken_Uprising! 

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Heir to the Eternal Throne by Unspoken_Uprising! 

Even though this book wasn't named our final category winner, it was definitely a great read. In all honesty, we weren't expecting much going into this book. Vampire books can be really difficult to write well. The whole genre is really overplayed, which makes it especially easy to slip into groan inducing cliches. After reading the first few paragraphs, however, we realized that that wasn't how this book was going to go down at all. It's easy to get sucked into the world that the author has created. Between the action and the interesting, well defined characters, there isn't a dull moment. We highly recommend checking this book out.

Things we think this author did well:

- Descriptive settings and world-building. The reader can clearly picture where this book takes place, and we love that.

- The first chapter did great at capturing our attention and making us want to read more.

- Well written battle scenes.

Things we think this author could work on:

- The detailed descriptions can sometimes lean towards excessive. This could just be a clash between writing style and personal preference, but it's something to watch out for when you're trying to keep your reader engaged and make sure they don't go skimming right over your paragraphs. Make sure that any description you do include serves a purpose.

- There aren't many grammar mistakes, which means the few that are there really stick out. Not a huge deal, but try to be careful.

And now, Our very first category winner is:

And now, Our very first category winner is:

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Color by thomaseng!

This book absolutely blew us away, and it definitely deserves a much higher read count than it has. Even if you're not a historical fiction fan, you won't regret checking this book out. The author not only tackles difficult issues throughout this book, but does it in such a unique and interesting way that we couldn't help but fall in love.

We won't say too much on it yet though, because a full review of this book is coming soon! This book is also in the running for overall winner of The Novelty Awards, which will be chosen from all of our category winners. Congratulations and good luck!

Again, thank you all for being so patient with us; more results are on their way!

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