Chapter 7

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"The most beautiful bond between two people is their common love for God."


"Shaikh Abdur-Rahman As Sa'idi stated that the Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered us to trim our mustaches and grow our beards. He also informed us that to trim it (facial hair) is from the Majus and the polytheists. He warned his nation from following that misguided custom. So, truly it is strange that we see someone who believes in Allah and his messenger, yet is stingy in following the example of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the companions and the Tabi'een (successors of the companions). Allah has honored men with beards and has made their beauty and character apparent in it, so woe to the one who shaves it, for he has disobeyed his Lord openly. Do all of these that shave their beards think that they have achieved handsome appearance? Surely, they have not, since it shames the face of a man and takes away its nobility. Following the misguided example of others often makes evil things seem comely. Did the people of knowledge not say that if anyone attacked another by shaving his beard and that if it did not ever grow again, then upon the attacker us the responsibility of paying full blood money? This illustrates the honor and good that Allah (the Exalted) has placed in men who keep beards. In parallel to the previous example, then imagine the state of one who assaults his own honor and dignity by removing his own beard."

Abdullah was Intently engrossed in listening to the Jumu'ah khutba as he raked his hand through the wet beard which was still damp with the wudu he did hurriedly. Ahmish had left earlier for the Salah and Abdullah was out for some purposes and was assigned the job to take little Ibrahim with him. The children should be encouraged to offer their Salah in masjid from a very early age and should never be stopped if they step ahead themselves to follow the practices of Islam. Abdullah had missed the opportunity to be among those people who stood on the first row of the congregation and he was quite upset with his bad timing.

Narrated by al-Bukhaari (615) and Muslim (437) from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him), according to which the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "If the people knew what (reward) there is in the call and the first row, and there was no other way to settle the matter than drawing lots, they would draw lots for it."

Abdullah gazed at the little one sitting beside him and saw him scratching his over his chin, probably trying to make out exactly why he doesn't have hairs on his chin just like others. A little smile escaped Abdullah's lips when he witnessed Ibrahim with a confused look after a brief khutbah on beard.

"What are you thinking champ?" Abdullah asked with a mused smile and Ibrahim looked up to him, still puzzled.

"Why do I not have hairs on my face?" he said intriguingly while keenly observing the hairs on Abdullah's face.

"It's because you aren't eligible to marry yet." Abdullah answered in amusement and before Ibrahim could further solve his The-Beard-Puzzle someone interrupted them with a Salam and further questioned if Abdullah is married yet because he had one. Abdullah's mind drifted back to the memories which brought nothing but sorrow. He quickly regained his composure although it could all seen throughout his face.

"All okay bro." someone interrupted before placing a hand on his shoulder and before he could recognize him, the guy introduced himself. "Rehan, your school friend."

"Long time." Abdullah said with a surprised look as he raised his hand to shake it with Rehan. All the memories with Rehan flushed in front of Abdullah as he raked his mind through the memories of the school. Those were the days that every individual would like to relive and if one was given the opportunity to join back school, no wonder if their answer would be yes except in case of failure. No one would of course fail just to join back school.

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