Chapter 18

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"People should fall in love with their eyes closed."


Going through those little clothes was indeed strenuous. Those hopes, those dreams and those small happiness which brought big smiles were smashed leaving behind Ayesha's detrimental mind. Mostly depression was being looked as if it was just a disease but actually it is a disease which eats you from inside. Depression leaves behind nothing but a lost mind and soul and loosing ones soul in depression is like loosing oneself admist the black hole. It won't leave you until it sucks each particle of you and never return you back again to your own selves except changing you.

Depression isn't in our hands but in Allah's. Allah gives us a new hope or life, he tells us that no matter how much you have been afflicted in this world, you'll be honoured in the next if you remain on the straight path. Allah tells us that this world is not the dwelling place but it is the hereafter which will never end. Allah tells is that he would never let the believers deeds go in vain because he will give them the reward of the good, even if it be a weight of an atom. And then Allah tells us that he tests only those whom he loves.

The prophet (pbuh) said "The people who were not tested in this dunya will wish their skins were cut up when they see the rewards for those who were tested"

[Sahih Al Jami, 5484].

Ayesha sat there rearranging the cupboard when she came across the little outfits of the one who was in a better place, the clothes which Ahmad had brought and suprised her. She recalled the hadith which Ahmad had narrated her in one of those earlier days when they had lost their munchkin.

"The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “The miscarried fetus will plead with his Lord if his parents are admitted to Hell. It will be said: “O fetus who pleads with your Lord! Admit your parents to Paradise.” So he will drag them out with his umbilical cord until he admits them to Paradise.’” [Sunan Ibn Majah]

"Are you crying?" Nikita asked as she came in and saw Ayesha with a cloth of a baby.

"No I am just growing through my hardships." said Ayesha as she wiped up a tear which had escaped unwillingly.

"I am glad." said Nikita as she sat beside her while picking up a cloth and folding it neatly.

"You know what gives me strength?"


"My Lord Allah. He enlighten us every time we are sad, he enlighten us every time we are caught up with a wrong path. We Muslins aren't alone, there's always the words of our lord which never leaves us in solitude." said Ayesha and Nikita felt good to hear her speak positively about her life.

"Where are the kids by the way?" asked Nikita and saw Ayesha's face colour turning pale.

"Oh my Allah I just didn't check them from some time and they didn't even come here. Saif had also come this morning because his father is busy today." Said Ayesha as she got up to look for them.

"I hope they aren't up to anything mischevious." said Nikita as they both exited from the room.

The entire house was on a silence mode, the three of them weren't playing in the garden nor were they watching cartoon in the drawing room and neither were they breaking off the eggs in the kitchen. The only place which was left to search and was least expected was the guest room which also seemed to be quiet. It was obviously the silence before the storm.

As both women entered the room, they witnessed the floor covered with different containers of colours. A mug of water was an element among the colours and brushes were lying lifelessly as if they weren't of any use. The colours and the water were sprinkled all over the floor because of which Ayesha smacked her head as it needed a lot of labour for cleaning. The three of them were doing mischief at the end of the room where a mirror was kept for the reflection of our physical attire.

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