
22 1 3

There was a feeling in the pit of my stomach that wouldn't go away even with how many pee breaks I took. They told me to sleep because the destination was a while away, but I couldn't fall into a slumber no matter how many sheep I counted. Was this from excitement? No... nervousness? Possibly? I couldn't decide.

Maybe this feeling came from the fact that I'm in a car, in the dark, in a completely foreign country.

... yeah.

I couldn't stop shaking my leg and twisting my hair between slightly shaking fingers. By now my lips were entirely raw from the constant biting. The interpreter, a nice old woman with noticeable laugh lines, saw my nervous antics.

"Are you okay?" her Korean accent laced evenly in with the English.

I looked at her with a tight smile that slightly faltered.

In the back row of the van, I could hear whispers and then a blinding flash of light flooded the dark vehicle.

The producer, a middle-aged man with big glasses that flashed in my face, smiled at me quickly and handed over a packet. He spoke too, with a thick accent and better English than most, "Inside the papers, you will find information about your new school, bus information, monthly allowance, your schedule, the boys' schedule, and more. But don't really rely on their schedule because it is always changing."

The bright flash from the camera next to him almost blinded me as I squinted at him in question, "I get an allowance?"

He nodded while looking at some papers, "You know, for things you might need... as a woman and stuff."

It didn't take long for me to realize. "Oh..." it was silent for a minute before I got curious once more. I turned to the interpreter while waving my index finger between our chests, "So are we gonna share a room or...?"

The producer looked up at me, "No no no, she's only here to help you understand some things and then you are on your own."

I looked at him with a dumbfounded expression, "But most of the boys don't speak that much English..."

He smiled at me, "Their English has gotten better and language barrier is funny on T.V., you'll also be learning Korean in school. Plus, one of them speaks great English. You'll be fine." His attempt to reassure me didn't help at all.


He shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.

I turned with a defeated sigh to the window and laid my forehead on the glass. "I'm going to die," I said decidedly.

I then heard the producer turn to the cameraman and whisper something in Korean while chuckling.

After his laughter he asked for my attention again, "Just so you know, we don't film every day. Only some days during the week, it's on your schedule." I nodded and he flipped through some more pages before sighing, "Okay we're going to ask some questions and all you have to do is sit and... ah, how do you say it..." He looked to the interpreter and said some words in Korean.

The woman turned to me, "He means to say, just be yourself, it doesn't matter if you make mistakes with questions during the show. That's what they want in fact- they want a foreign fan to be just that."

I nodded, the nervousness seeping back in. How do I act around them? Is being myself okay? What if I annoy them with being too much of a fan? What if I disrespect them without even knowing it?

With these thoughts circling in my mind, the producer spoke more to the interpreter. Maybe he got sick of using English?

The old interpreter blushed slightly and turned towards me again, "He wants me to explain this to you woman to woman because well... just... they are men and you are a woman." I slowly nodded. "He wants you to know that "cute moments" are okay, but anything beyond a cute friend relationship isn't allowed. Not only because you're living together, but also because fans won't be okay with it and it might get dangerous for you. So stay away from anything romantic at all costs."

I laughed, as if I'd ever be able to be that way with one of them. "I promise, that won't be a problem."

"Well, they've had other seasons with different boy groups, and really dangerous situations happen when it comes to fans."

The thought kind of scared me, but I shook my head knowing it's out of the question anyway.

The producer handed her a sheet of paper and exchanged some quick words.

The woman looked at me, "I'll be asking the questions now, remember to be yourself, okay?"

I nodded and looked at the camera with a slow breath.

"Who are you and where are you from?"

"Hi, my name is Kota, and I'm a fan from New York in the U.S." I smiled at the camera, my natural raspy voice coming out.

"Where are you and what are you going to do?"

"Right now I'm in a car..." I looked out the window to only see darkness, "... well, I don't know exactly where," I laughed. "But I do know I'm on my way to an apartment that I never thought I'd step in, let alone live in for my senior year."

"Who's apartment are you going to be living in this season?"

A smile slowly made its way onto my face, "I'm gonna be living with BTS."

"And how are you feeling about that?"

I took a deep breath, "Too many things." I laughed.

"Who's your favorite member?"

I looked at the camera and smiled but didn't say anything.

The interpreter looked at the producer, but he just chuckled and waved it off.

"Well, we're almost there, any last words?"

My smile quickly turned into a frown, "Wait what, what do you mean? Already? Are you sure? I'm not ready... I, uh..."

Before I could ask any more questions the van pulled over and I was being taken to the back door of a building. I had my suitcases beside me and two cameramen with the producer stood filming behind me, the interpreter woman left with the van. Great...

I looked at them, "Are you guys gonna help?" They shook their heads.

The heavy bags stared back at me in an almost mocking way and I felt the urge to kick them over.

After somehow lugging both suitcases on either side of my tiny frame, I waddled more towards the door. Then it finally hit me as I struggled to open the door of the apartment building.

I'm in South Korea. I don't know much Korean. I'm starting a new life. I'm living with BTS. And I'm kinda screwed.

A hysterical laugh burst out from me.

- a/n -
next chapter we meet 3 members, guess who??

this was more of an introduction to what's going on, and it's probably boring but I needed to do it which is why I tried to make it as fleeting as possible :)

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