chapter four

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It had been two days and let me tell you, apartment hunting in London is miserable. At least for me, that is. Who wants a renter with no set source of income and that is going to stick around for 3 months tops?? The answer is no one.

To quell my thoughts, I headed down to a local music store that I had passed several times going to different apartment buildings.

I felt at home the second I walked in. The store was small like the one I loved to go to back home. It had records hung on the walls with several rows of CD racks covering the floor. What seemed to be a husband and wife were talking behind the counter while a girl with a pixie cut who looked a little younger than me was stacking CDs on one of the racks.

I stepped over to look at the new CDs to see if anything had come out recently and I found exactly what I was hoping for, 5 Seconds of Summer. The album had come out the day I arrived in London, but I had found no time to go get a physical copy until now.

“That album is perfect.” I jumped, startled by the voice.

I turned around to see the girl had moved from stacking CDs to standing next to me, admiring my music choice. “I’ve heard a few of the songs and have been dying to get it but I’ve been so busy trying to find an apartment I hadn’t gotten the chance.”

She took the CD out of my hand flipping it over and looking me over at the same time. “Hmmm, you seem like the kind of girl to like Social Casuality.”

My jaw dropped. “That is my favorite. Ever since I heard the iTunes preview, I’ve been waiting for full song. How did you know?”

“Perks of working in a music store, I guess. You start to learn who listens to what so you can better help the customer, ain’t that right dad?” The girl turned to her parents, and her father nodded his head.

“Your parents own the shop? I wish I worked in a music store especially one owned my parents.”

The girl laughed and handed me back the CD. “Yeah, its nice.” She leaned over and whispered, “Especially when we get the CDs early and I can swipe a copy.”

Damn this girls a rebel. I like her. “I’m Isabella by the way, Iz for short.”

“I’m Jorden.” She extended her hand. I shook it and noticed a small tattoo on her wrist, a half of a yin-yang in what I looked to be black and white.

I pulled her wrist closer to examine it. “Sorry, but I’m obsessed with your tattoo. I want one myself. I just haven’t plucked up the courage to get it yet.”

Jorden looked over her tattoo, smiling at me. “Thanks. Its not finished yet though. Whenever I meet my one, I am going to get the other half in vibrant colors, like I found my other half ya know? What do you want?”

“I want my favorite Fall Out Boy lyrics, ‘You are what you love, not who loves you’ in the shape of a heart on my shoulder.” I pulled the collar of my shirt down pointing to the exact spot. “Words to live by I think really. I define you I am, not someone else.”

“That’s amazing. So what are you doing in London, if I may ask?”

“Its cool. I’m actually here trying to find myself and my other half I guess. Too bad I’m getting nowhere fast. I planned to stay here for 3 months, but I’ve got nowhere to settle in and no job to pay for food. I should really be getting back to my search.” I turned to head towards the counter and pay for the CD.

Jorden jogged past me to ring me up as her parents had gone in the back room. She scanned the CD when her face lit up. “I’ve got an idea. We’ve got an extra room upstairs since my brother got married so why don’t you live here. You seem lovely, and it would be nice having someone around my age I can talk music with and just talk with in general. And you could work here in the store.”

I was skeptical. I had just met the girl, but she seemed genuine. “Oh I couldn’t do that.”

“Oh yes you could. You have no idea how great it would be. Plus you would have a friend here for the next 3 months. I’m pretty well-versed in all things music, London and boys, if I do say so myself.” Jorden brushed a little fake dirt off her shoulder causing me to laugh. “Let me go talk to my parents.”

I wandered around the store admiring the records on the wall while I waited for Jorden and her parents. Finally they appeared from the back room and approached me.

Jorden’s father spoke. “Well hello I am Frederick and this is my wife, Lily. I’ve heard you need a job and a place to live and our little munchkin here wants to help you out.” He ruffled Jorden’s hair with his hand, which she swatted away in protest.

“You don’t really know me so really its okay if you don’t want to hire me. I’ll just pay for my CD and go. And if you do hire me, I promise I would work as much as you need me, days and nights whenever. I wouldn’t be a bother around the house. I keep to myself and nothing is ever a mess.” I realized I was rambling and looked up cautiously.

Lily stepped up and put her hand on my shoulder reassuringly. “Sweetie, you’re fine. Don’t worry. Jorden seems to trust you and we trust her. The store closes in about a hour or so. How about you come back around then? We will go to dinner and discuss everything.”

My jaw dropped. Never had I expected to find someone so hospitable, willing to consider me living with them for 3 months and working in their store. “Oh my god.” I hugged them all not even caring about the boundaries I was crossing. “You have no idea how much this means to me that you are even thinking about doing this for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I promise to be back in a hour on the dot for dinner.”

I exchanged numbers with Jorden, paid for my CD, and was on my way, shouting more thank you’s to Jorden and her family as I left the store. I pretty much ran all the way back to my hotel room and packed my stuff up, if you couldn’t tell I was very optimistic. I smiled to myself, maybe this wasn’t such a mistake after all.

Yay Iz has a place to live, work and a friend in London now. She's got her life more together than I do. And don't worry, the introduction of Jorden doesn't mean the end of Mel. I just think she needed someone stable in London.

Thanks for reading as always and please comment/vote. There may be Vamp appearance in one of the next chapters ;) so stay tuned.


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