chapter ten

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Iz’s POV

“I was just in general because—“ The shop bell rang downstairs. “Fuck, that’s probably him. I have to go. I’ll text you. See you later, Con.”

I heard Connor say “Bye, Iz.” then clicked the end call button.

Please let this work. I wanted nothing to do with this boy. I curled up in my bed and pulled the sheets close. Just pretend like you fell asleep, and maybe he’ll go away. Jorden is going to be so preoccupied fangirling that I should have nothing to worry about.

I was wrong.

Jorden’s POV

I nodded at Iz as she walked upstairs. I hope she would feel better soon, and I made a note to go check her when I got a chance, but until then I had CDs to stack.

Not long after Iz had left, the bell hanging above the door signaling someone had entered the store rang. At first, I didn’t really take much notice of the boy walking in because I was busy with work.

“Excuse me.” I recognized that voice, but why? I looked up and was met with an all-too familiar face. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened in shock. I couldn’t speak so the boy spoke once more. “Uhm, can you help me?”

Regaining my voice, I stammered, “You’re…You’re Brad Simpson.” He nodded. “I can help you with anything you need, but would you mind taking a picture with me first?”

“Of course, love.” I could feel the butterflies take flight in my stomach. Wait…I met his eyes, but I was still looking at him in black and white. Of course it wasn’t him. I did have a little bit of hope after the concert, but I guess I wasn’t meant to be with my dream boy. “Do have your phone to take the picture or?”

I had been so lost in my train of thought that I forgot he was standing there. “Oh yeah.” I grabbed my phone from behind the counter and snapped a couple quick selfies. I shoved my phone in my pocket, too lazy to return it to its original place. “So what is it you needed help with? Are you trying to find a specific CD?”

Brad laughed, that amazingly wonderful laugh of his that I only ever thought I would hear on video. I don’t understand why he was laughing though. “I’m actually looking for a specific someone. Is there an American girl who works here, red hair, blue eyes, goes by the name Isabella?”

“Iz?” How could Brad possibly know Iz? If they had met, I would’ve assumed she would tell me considering who he is and all. That girl has some explaining to do once Brad is gone. “She’s upstairs, not feeling well. If you leave me your number, I could tell her you stopped by and have her call you.”

I walked over to the counter, taking out a pen and paper for him to write on. Instead of taking the pen, he took my hand instead. “Love, it’s very important I speak with her. Could you please ask her to come down?”

“Let me go see how she is.” Even in black and white, his eyes and voice had some kind of power over me. I couldn’t just say no to him. I heard Brad shout a thank you as I headed upstairs.

Iz’s POV

I heard footsteps coming up the steps and towards my door, thankfully it was only one set of footsteps.

“Iz, what the hell? Brad fucking Simpson is here to talk to you.” Jorden came barging in my room without warning.

My eyes connected with hers. I attempted to change the subject. “Your eyes are brown with flecks of green in them. That’s so cool.”

Her eyes widened, the realization taking over her face. “You can see color now. Brad Simpson turns up out of nowhere talking about a girl with red hair and blue eyes. The two of you are matches and you didn’t tell me!”

“Jorden, it’s a long story, and I promise to explain everything later. I just can’t talk to that boy right now.” I rolled over in my bed to face the window instead of the door.

She walked over and ripped my sheets off my body. “You’re coming downstairs. Not only because it is going to be amazing, you dating a member of The Vamps and all, but this is why you came to London. Now you are up here cowering in your bed. This isn’t the Isabella I’m friends with.”

I hate to admit it, but Jorden was right. I left home, my mom, Melanie, everything to find my one, and now I’ve found him. Now was not the time to be hiding in my room. I would have to face Brad sooner or later.

Regaining my confidence, I trudged out of bed and downstairs with Jorden in tow. Just think happy thoughts, Iz.

Opening the door to the store, I immediately saw Brad standing over by a rack of CDs on his phone. Honestly, I couldn’t help, but find him physically attractive. His mess of curls was trapped under a brown bowler hat with a few peeking out the sides. He had on a plaid green shirt with several buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up as well as tight black skinny jeans and black Dr. Martens.

He was good looking, but that thought was washed away from my brad as soon as he talked. Brad lifted his head, after I had quit staring thankfully, and spoke with a smirk on his face. “There’s my girl.”

 Jorden squealed behind me, but that comment pissed me off. I was not his and never would be. He came towards me for a hug, and I smiled. Brad returned the smile, obviously thinking my hostility had dissipated within the past hour. Unbeknownst to him, I was smiling as I pictured what I would do next.

As Brad reached me with his arms open, I took the shot and punched him right in the gut. Brad doubled over in pain and Jorden rushed over to help him, giving me my chance to escape.



so I thought it best to switch up the POVs a couple times in this chapter just so you could see everything that happened because I wanted both Iz's and Jorden's perspectives. If the shifts were confusing, please tell me and I promise I'll never do it again.

I just want to say thank you for reading. I've started getting more comments and votes which makes me happy knowing people like the story and want me to continue writing so please keep that up cuz motivation to write woo! also if you have any ideas, I would love to hear them. you can write in the comments or tweet me @legslikebradley


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