chapter thirteen

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Connor's POV

We had been rehearsing the same bit of Last Night over and over again for the past 45 minutes. Brad's head just wasn't in it, and without a doubt I knew exactly why.

James finally spoke up. "Mate, what's up with you? We've played this song hundreds of times, yet you keep missing the cues for the lyrics."

"It's her fault. Don't blame me. She's all I can think about. So feisty, so beautiful, so perfect, but not mine." Brad ran his fingers through his hair, visibly stressed out.

"Well if she's all you can focus on, how about we end early and all focus on coming up with ways to get that fox?" Hearing Tristan call her an animal, even one as sly and cunning as a fox like Iz was, made me cringe.

James decided to head off to the gym with the extra time. My first thought was to text her asking if she wanted to get dinner early, but it was too early. I didn't want to seem over eager plus I could be a spy here for her.

"Well have you two got any ideas? Con?"

I looked up at him from my phone. "Why don't you just try to be nice to her?"

Brad laughed at the thought of that, but Tris' face lit up. "Wait, he may have something."

"Explain." Brad took a seat next to me on the couch.

"Tonight, ask her to come clubbing with us. You can bring her flowers and you'll have to be on your best behaviour. Offer to buy her a couple drinks. Be an absolute gentleman."

"And that's going to help me get into her pants how?"

"Well that's the thing. By the end of the night you'll have gotten her so drunk on alcohol and charm that she'll be right where you want her."

The grin on Brad's face grew as Tristan talked. "Genius, mate! Thanks Connor. I'll text her now."

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This was not my idea. He can't just take advantage of her; I won't let him. I have to warn Iz at dinner tonight. Figuring now was as good a time as any, I texted her about meeting earlier. She immediately texted back saying she would be there soon.

As soon as I turned the corner towards Nando's, I saw her walking at me from the other end of the street. She looked absolutely stunning in her simple jeans and t-shirt. 

"Oh, fancy meeting you here. Have you come here for a date?" She giggled. 

I turned my head to peek up and down the street as if I was looking for someone. "This crazy fangirl keeps texting me telling me to meet her. I saw her in the park this morning too. I swear she's like stalking me or something."

Iz scoffed and punched my arm playfully. "Rude."

"Oh come here." I pulled her into a tight hug. Even though we had just met this morning, I felt close to Isabella. It was a kind of close that I wish could be more.

We headed inside and immediately got a table. I decided on 1/2 Chicken while she chose a Chicken Burger with both of us ordering chips. While we waited for our food, Iz thought it would be a good idea to play 20 questions to get to know each other. First came the boring questions about family and home, etc. We did seem to have a lot of interests in common which was really nice. Then things got kind of crazy.

"You can't be serious. You would rather have fingers for legs? How would that work when you are so top heavy trying to walk on your teeny tiny fingers?" She walked her fingers across the table then pretended to trip and fall.

"Well you tell me how you are going to type on your phone with legs for fingers?"

"Very carefully." I nearly spit my drink on her, not expecting that response. "Ball, if you do a spit take on this white shirt with your Coke, there will be serious consequences."

She never said anything about ice. I grabbed a piece and chucked it at her while she checked her phone. "Connor!" Iz stuck her fingers in her water and flung it at me.

"What? It wasn't my Coke." I stuck my tongue out at her.

Just as I was about to retaliate, our food arrived, and we dug in. If someone looked at us, they probably would think we are having our first meal for a few days based on the speed we were going.

I heard clinking as Iz set her knife on her empty plate. "I win." Damn, that girl could eat. "I'm still kind of hungry though....hmmm." She reached across the table and stabbed one of my chips with her fork. Unfortunately for her, my cat-like reflexes kicked in, and I swipe it before she got it to her mouth.

"No one touches my chips, Izzy." I wagged my finger.

Looking over at her, I waited for a snide remark, but instead saw sadness in her face. Tears welled up in her eyes. It was just a chip. I offered her another off my plate.

She shook her head.

"Isabella, did I do something wrong? Please tell me."

She repeated one word back to me. "Izzy." I simply stared at her waiting for an explanation. "Only one person has ever called me Izzy. I never expected to hear someone say it again."

"Your dad?" She had told me that he passed but not much else. Iz nodded as the tears slowly slipped down her face. I stood up then seated myself on the booth next to her. Wiping the tears from under her eyes, I pulled her in close and kissed her forehead. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I promise I'll never call you it again."

She quietly sobbed into my chest for some time, and I knew all I could be for her right now was a strong shoulder for her to cry on. Finally, her whimpers subsided as she looked up to me still wrapped in my arms. "Connor, please call me Izzy."

"Are you sure?"

Iz took a deep breath. "Yes. It felt weird, but it was almost nice hearing someone call me that again. I can hide from that nickname forever. Eventually someone was going to use it again. I'm just glad it was you. I think my dad would be very happy knowing it was a boy who truly cared for me that would call me Izzy."

I gave her one last squeeze causing her to giggle before I returned to my seat opposite her. Isabella was one of those people who you meet, and its awkward at first but then all of sudden you realize you are the same person. I genuinely did care for this girl, and I'm glad she knew it.

Just then I realized caring meant helping her with Brad. I had to tell her about the plan. "Hey, did Brad text you about going to a club tonight?"

"Yeah. You're coming right? I told him I would go, but not if you aren't. I'm not hanging around that dick without someone I trust by my side."

"Izzy, don't go." She smiled when I said her name this time, but I could tell she was confused. "Brad has this plan to charm you and get you drunk tonight so he can finally have his way with you."

Iz rolled her eyes. "What a douche. Well if he wants to play hardball, that's what he is gonna get. I'm going, and you are coming with me. Let's just say, tonight, the foxes hunt the hound."


Long update because I've taken forever to which I am truly sorry. 

Things are slowly starting to set up for some drama in the next couple chapters. And how cute are Connor and Iz? Or should I say Izzy?

As always, thanks bunches for reading and please vote/comment because I love hearing what you guys think of the story.


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