chapter seven

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“Is the one trying to be Harry Styles? Like come on now.” I looked at the current picture of The Vamps Jorden had up on her laptop.

“Who? Brad? No. Don’t compare them to One Direction whatever you do. The fandom may eat you alive.”

We had been at this for two days now, watching music videos, interviews, twitcams, anything to give me more information on this band. I had to admit they were quite attractive and the music wasn’t that bad, but some of them just gave me weird vibes. Tristan, well you know how I feel about him. James seemed like this muscle head health freak. Brad just gave off this cocky asshole vibe for some reason. Connor was the only one I genuinely liked oops.

Well, it was a little more than like. He was good looking with those arms and eyes that were gorgeous and would probably look even better in color. It was so much more than that though. We had the exact same music taste. He seemed really into sports and superheroes like me as well. We connected on so many different levels and I could see us actually getting along well together. Who knows maybe he was my one because he was in the airport the same time as me.

I think he wasn’t the one Jorden liked. “And its Tristan you like?”

She threw her hands up in grief. “No. Brad is the one I like.”

“I like Connor that’s all I need to know. And I do like their music. Look at you getting me listening to some pop music.”

“Acoustic-driven indie pop. Get it right, Iz.” She nudged my shoulder.

I laughed and nudged her back. “Sorry.” Jorden turned to me and smiled, she was hiding something. I hadn’t known her long, but I knew when she had something. “What is it?”

“Well, since you like them and all, and I maybe have an extra ticket, would you want to come with me to see them?”

“When is it?”


“Tomorrow?!” How am I supposed to look presentable for Connor by tomorrow? Woah, Iz, slow down. Boy in a band, and a pop band at that. He could be your one, but your chances are slim. “Okay, tomorrow, I think I can work that into my schedule. We need to talk to Frederick and Lily.”

Jorden shrugged. “Already done.”

“Awesome! We need to go shopping. Now.”

“Oxford Street, it is!”

I found a new black and white striped crop top at American Apparel that I decided I would wear with a black skater skirt I also bought and my combat boots so I wasn’t too dressy. Jorden decided on a black daisy print top and a new pair of high-waisted jean short with a new pair of vans she bought that were marked yellow. Too bad we didn’t know what they looked like, but I know daisies had some yellow in them so we figured they would match. Everything matched in black and white already.

We could barely sleep that night because we were excited. I spent most of the time trying to learn the lyrics of their songs while Jorden sang along at very loud volumes. I was pumped to finally be getting back to the concert scene. That’s where I spent most of my time when I was at home going to festivals and things like Warped Tour.

Jorden and I were ready with plenty of time to spare so we decided to stop at Nando’s for a quick meal along the way. I laughed thinking about James and Tristan the last time we were in there and now I was on my way to see their band play a show, boy how things change.

We took our seats up in the balcony when we got to the venue. They were in good view of the stage where we could see them, but I was sure Tristan and James would be unable to spot me. Teenage fangirls surrounded me on all sides, and it was a little too much listening to them go on and on. I was here for the music. And Connor, okay?

Before long, it was time for The Vamps to get onstage. The lights dimmed and the shrill screams deafened me. They took the stage finally and started singing one of their more recent singles, Last Night. I could see Tristan with his mess of hair jamming hard on the drums in the back. It was hard to admit but that boy could play. James stood on one side playing guitar while my boy, Connor rocked out on his bass. Both had tank tops on and I was enjoying the view. Then there was Brad running around the stage like an idiot, but he had the crowd’s full attention including Jorden’s.

I was swaying to the beat and singing along to the words I knew when my vision flashed color. I immediately turned towards Jorden, and she was turning to me in as much shock as I was. “Did your?”


We both looked at each other a little freaked out and nodded our heads in unison.

The flashing kept up the entire show for the both of us, but we kind of just ignored it because we honestly just wanted to have a good time.

Once the show had ended we left and as we did the flashing subsided.

“Okay. That was weird that we both flashed.”

Jorden turned around where she was walking in front of me and began walking backwards. “You think? Oh my god, what if Brad really is my one? Could you imagine how amazing that would be?”

I flipped my hair over my shoulder. “Well if you’re dating Brad, hook me up with Connor cuz dayummm.”

Raising her eyebrows at me, Jorden laugh. “Oooh so you like Con. I could see it. You two are almost the same. It honestly wouldn’t shock me if the two of you were soulmates.”

“I like the sound of that. Now let’s get some food because I’m starving.”

We stopped for some fish and chips along the way home and raved about the concert, how spectacular the bursts of color were, and how beautiful those Vamps boys were. I may have been turned into a fan tonight, and hey maybe Connor saw flashes of color tonight too.


I just want to say Iz's opinions on the guys are in no way my own especially I don't think Brad is a cocky asshole. I'm really trying to get things going here and starting next chapter the boys will be in it every update. 

Again, thank you for reading and please vote/comment


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