chapter eight

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I was up early the next day because I couldn’t quell my thoughts still leftover from the previous night to get enough sleep. I knew I had to call Mel to give her the new updates. She would be getting up early for work herself so I decided to wander around Hyde Park until noon when I called her.

“Oh Melanie, I have news!”

She gasped. “Did you find him?”

“Not yet. I did go to a concert last night, and the entire time color was flashing in my vision.”

“Any cute boys in this band?”

I laughed. “Well remember, the boy I ran into in the airport and then again in Nando’s? It was the band he is in. There is a really cute guy though named Connor and we are kind of perfect for each other.”

“Lemme see.” I could hear Mel typing away at light speed on her laptop. “Ooooh, he is cute. His eyes are so blue I can’t even. Can he be your one?”

“I really want it to be him.” All of a sudden, I heard ‘Somewhere in Neverland’ by All Time Low playing. I turned around and saw the source. A boy was laid on the grass with a soccer ball next to him texting away on his phone and jamming to the music. “Hey, Mel, could you I call you back?”

“Yeah.” I hung up and headed in the direction of the music.

Walking over, I recognized the face immediately. It was Connor, just my luck. I look horrible, and I could be meeting my one. Okay, Iz, be cool. I fixed my hair and neared him. He was wearing sunglasses and didn’t notice me until I spoke. “This is a great song.”

He put his phone down and looked over at me. Come on, take off your sunglasses. “You like All Time Low?”

“Yeah, I saw them last spring, and they were amazing live. This is actually my favorite song.” I sat down next to him, and he sat up. Thank god this is going well.

Connor put his hand out for me take. “I’m Connor, by the way.”

I shook it and laughed. “Oh, I know. I went to your concert last night with my friend. You guys were awesome.” He started to stand up, but I was able to stop him with my words. “Don’t worry though I’m not going to go all crazy fangirl on you. And I promise I didn’t even realize it was you laying here, I just heard the song and wanted to say something. Oh and I’m Isabella, but my friends call me Iz.”

“Oh cool. Thanks for the compliment.” He looked nervous. “This is going to sound really weird, but can tell me what color this is?” The clever boy showed me a picture on his phone and pointed to a flower on the side.

“I can tell you it’s a lovely grey color, and that’s about it. I’m sorry.”

Connor reached up for his sunglasses, and took them off swiftly. I looked at him and he looked at me.

And nothing. I could see the disappointment on his face, just as he could probably see mine.

Damn. I was so sure it was going to be him. There couldn’t be a better match for me.

I broke the silence. “You thought we could have been matches didn’t you? Don’t worry me too.”

“Glad, I wasn’t the only one because that would have been awkward.” I laughed at the face he made. All the interviews I had seen, Connor barely talked. He was so shy, but I had just met the boy and he was joking around with me. For fucks sake, why couldn’t it have been him? “Well, Iz, even though we weren’t meant to be I know All Time Low is playing a gig in London in a couple weeks, want to come with me?”

I was about to speak when color started flashing in my vision. Not again. This was getting so annoying. It was happening even more than before though, like something was about to happen.

“Oi, Brad, mate, where have you been?”

No, anyone, but…

I looked up and was met with brown eyes. BROWN EYES. I glanced around and everything was filling with color. The sky was blue, the leaves and grass were all shades of green. The wind tousled my hair into view, it was such a lovely shade of red.

“You.” Brad and I said in unison as we took account of our newly enhanced senses.

Brad was excited and overjoyed I could see it on his face. Me, well, not so much. Why did it have to be cocky asshole band boy instead of the cute one sitting next to me with those amazing ice blue eyes?

“I’m Brad.” The boy couldn’t be happier, immediately extending his hand towards me.

I was weary to take it. Don’t get me wrong I was happy I finally found him, but the universe must be really pissed at me for something I did in a past life for it to be him. Brad stared at me waiting for a response. I took his hand and shook it quickly. “Sorry, I’m Isabella.”

Connor’s gaze shifted between the two of us. “I’m guessing you two were meant to be. I’ll just leave you two alone then. Brad, I’ll—“

“No, Connor, don’t go.” I place my hand on his leg. Brad saw what I did and was taken back, causing me to quickly remove my hand. I couldn’t let the boy I actually wanted to talk with to leave me alone with the boy I wanted nothing to do with. I tried to act nonchalant as best I could. “We have to discuss that All Time Low gig.”

Brad looked over at me. “Love, you like music? We are in a band, you know? Wait, you have to know because you must have been at the gig last night what with the color I was seeing.” He was trying his best to connect with me, but why did he call me love? “Do you like Arctic Monkeys?”

“I don’t listen to much Indie. I’m kinda more into rock and pop punk.” I didn’t really want to talk to Brad more than I had to before I got my head straight. Things just didn’t feel right with him. I checked the time on my phone to come up with a quick excuse. “I have to go or I’ll be late for work. Why don’t we exchange numbers?”

I made sure to get Brad and Connor’s number even though Connor seemed against it at first, but I pushed about the ATL show.

I stood up and said my goodbyes. As I was walking away, I turned around and looked towards Connor. “I’ll call you about that All Time Low show?” He nodded his head in agreement.

“Don’t forget to call me too! We have to get lunch sometime to get to know each other better, okay babe?” Brad winked at me and I scoffed. Pretty boy asshole was definitely not winning any awards with me by using pet names already.

Well, I finally found the one. Too bad he was a dick, and I was in love with his bandmate.


The time has finally come, Brad and Iz have met. Too bad she likes Connor plus how is Tristan gonna take the news? This means drama is just around the corner. And I know Brad isn't a dick in real life, but I have to write him that way for the story to go how it will, I'm sorry. 

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