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Yoongi wasn't a very caring person. He had just moved in a apartment that was very small and had not a lot of space. He did not get anyone to help since he didn't have lots of friends. He was grabbing all of the boxes in his new apartment. He was almost done with only 2 boxes left in his car. As he was going down the stairs he saw a guy that had pink hair with one of his boxes. "Hey" the guy said as he saw Yoongi staring in confusion. "What are you doing with my stuff?" "I thought you needed help so I wanted to help you." "Well I didn't, can I have my stuff?" "Oh ok new neighbour, sorry." The guy handed the box to Yoongi as he walked up the stairs and back to his room. Yoongi felt like a complete dick. "He was just trying to help Yoongi. What the hell?" Yoongi thought to himself.

Yoongi had finished bringing his stuff to his room. He felt like a bitch after being such a dick to a guy who was just trying to help him. He got a piece of paper and a pen so he could write a note to his new neighbour.

Hey i'm sorry about earlier.
I was such a dick to you I hope you can forgive me.

He quickly walked over to the guy's door and slid the note under the door and walked back to his room to start unpacking. As he was unpacking his last box he heard some footsteps going to his door. He looked over to his door and saw a piece of paper on the floor. He goes and picks it up. He looked at the piece of paper and it said:

Hey no problem.
I forgive you.

"Jimin, what a cute name." He said under his breathe. He finally finished unpacking everything. He was tired. He looked at the time and it said 1:32am. He was curious if Jimin was still awake. "Probably not" he said to himself. He was about to go to sleep,but he saw a piece of paper on the floor close to his door.

Finally done packing your stuff?
I saw the boxes outside your door.
You're probably going to see this later in the morning.
I was just bored so I decided to write a note for you.
Hope we can be friends.
- Jimin

Yoongi thought it was weird that he would be up this late. He figured that since Jimin was up he could go and apologize properly to Jimin.

Yoongi walked over to Jimin's door and knocked twice before Jimin opened the door. "Hey I wanted to say sorry about earlier. I was being mean when you tried to help." "It's ok, I know it's weird to just see a stranger with your stuff." Jimin said as he giggled a little. "It's just that I don't really trust anyone in my life." "It's alright you could trust me Yoongi." "I should probably go now it's getting late." Yoongi waved at Jimin and Jimin waved back.

First time writing a book like this don't get mad if I do something wrong lol
Hope you guys enjoy!

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