Eleanor In Me

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I am strong, but I have a weakness that is my secret.

I am brave, but I am considered a coward in another world.

I am tough on the outside, but warm and soft on the inside.

I am scared, but I don't let people see it because if they see that I am afraid then they will use it against me.

I am forgiving, but at times, I will admit, I am not.

I am human.

I have secrets that are my own. I have hurt people but along the way have helped some. I need the same things that you need, but some people don't believe that. I have a heart, though at times people don't see it. I am a person that has goals in life and won't let anything or anyone get in the way.

I am human.

I will start off as an angel then go to the demon within and, as fast as it started, go back to the angel.

I am human.

Just like everyone else in the world, I have a good and evil side to me. I feel trapped in a world of war and violence, but then while writing this I don't feel as trapped. When I write I feel free and open, but that is what I don't like about it...I am most vulnerable when I am open as I am when I am soft and warm.I try to keep my feelings to myself, but that is hard to do because who I am and who I want to be are completely different people.

I am human.

I am me.

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