Chapter 1

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Effie's POV.

"Now go clean yourself up!"

Out of my peripheral I watched him go over to counter and pick up a rag, wiping his hands with it. I didn’t dare look at him when he turned back around to leave, kicking me in the process. I fell over, clutching my side from the impact.

I waited until he was gone, hearing the slamming of door to confirm my questionable thoughts. I hesitated to get up, fear of feeling the full on pain hit me within seconds. I weighed my options;

1: I could sit here and have him come back in to see me like this and risk getting beat again

2: get clean up while feeling the pain of the bruises I endured with the last beating

I just decided to on getting cleaned up. I slowly tried standing up, bringing my hands up on the nearest counter for support. I pushed up off the counter, too weak to try and stand up without it on my own.  Once fully up, I sighed a good deal of relief evident in it.

I trudged over to the bathroom, the pain quickly surging through my body and it hasn’t even been a minute yet. Slow, easy going steps was the best way to go for right now. I could feel my legs wanting to give out so I hurriedly stumbled over to the bathroom, leaning against the wall when I made it over.

I felt around the wall for the light, flicking it on once I found it. I walked over to the sink, using both hands to lean on it. I looked up into the mirror, scared of what I was about to see; and the image in front of me proved me right.

I stared at the reflection of me. My eyes was starting to swell up. My nose had dried up blood starting to form. My lower lip was busted while my top lip had a cut on it. I had a gash on the side of my head. I closed my eyes and letting out a shaky sigh, I lifted my shirt.

Bruises. Lots of them. A fresh one placed directly next to an old one, all bluish and blackish. I dropped my shirt from my trembling hands, then looked at my arms. Cuts and scars lined all up on both of them. Fresh cuts from old razors and scars from the cuts made years ago.

I shook my head, quickly regretting it due to the pain pounding all over inside. I faced myself in the mirror again. This time, giving myself a good look over.

Look at me. I’m nothing. No one likes me. No one wants me. I have no purpose on this earth. All I do is get traumatized and beaten brutally every day. Picked on and treated harshly wrong for no damn reason. Im nothing but a quiet nuisance to peoples I know and strangers. I get dirty looks and sneers from random people on the street.

Why am I even here? What purpose do I have to anyone? I bet if I killed myself, no one would even notice. No one would ask what happen. “Is she okay?” or “Why did she do it?” No. None of that. I’m not worth the time according to my father and mother.

I’m not worth the breath of someone asking me anything about me. So why not end it? Why not take myself away from the cruel, wretched world. Maybe, and just maybe, I can be happy for once. But who knows, I may not even be liked from where im going.

I closed my eyes and let go of a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. I didn’t feel like getting myself cleaned up. There was no point if I was going to get treated like this all the time. Right now, I just want to sleep. Dream of a place where I can be happy. A place where I won’t be treated like shit all the time.

A place where I can be truly happy. I headed out the bathroom, switching off the light while doing so. The room was dark. Just how I like it. I don’t need to see anything with light right now. I feel alone, hurt, over used.

I slowly made my way over the bed. Once directly next to it, I pulled the covers back and just laid there. I didn’t feel like pulling the covers over me tonight. I didn’t want to feel covered. If they do come in here, I want them to see what they did to me. I hope they feel like crap. I hope they feel bad just by looking at how broken I look, how I feel.

I stared at the wall in front of me. I figured if I stared long enough, I would go to sleep. And to my luck, I did. And I dreamt of the world that would feel so good if I lived in it. The dream that I wish was my actual life.

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