Chapter 4

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Sorry i haven't been updating alot! School is hard for us juniors lol c:


Santiago’s POV.

The long walk back home was lonely. The only things keeping me alert being the car horns of late nights goers stuck in traffic on a Friday night. I dugged into my pocket and pull out my pack of cigarettes, taking the last one out and throwing It away in the convenient trash can that I just walked past.

I lit it up and took in a long drag, feeling the smoke engulf my lungs then letting out a soft breath, the smoke leaving the damaged area. I continued to walk down the long sidewalk, eyeing drunk idiots and their groupies stumble down past me, causing me to occasionally chuckle from time to time.

Even with all the noise surrounding me, the only thing I could think of was Effie. Her eyes, her smile, her long black shiny hair, the minimum makeup she wore, her attitude. All of her was like a poison to my brain and I only met her once.

She seemed broken, yet beautiful in more ways than one. I could tell how she would shield herself from anything I brought up in our conversation back at the market. I asked her about her family, her sister, and her past life. All of those topics caught her of guard, but nevertheless she was similar to me.

I didn’t notice that I was walking up the stairs to my own apartment from all the over thinking of Ef. I pulled out my key and unlocked the door, stepping in and closing the door softly. The room was dark, the only light coming from the big window on the far right of me. I didn’t bother turning on the light since I like the dark.

I went into my room and threw my phone and keys on the dresser. I took of my shoes and sat them next to my other shoes in the closet. I took off my shirt and pants and tossed them into the hamper sitting by the door. I went to one of the drawers and pulled out some sweats and put those on.

I wanted to watch TV but access noise only drowns out the real beauty in silence. I went into the living room and laid on the soft brown couch staring up at the ceiling. I didn’t want to sleep in my bed, not tonight at least. I don’t know why, just didn’t want to.

I could feel myself being taken in by that lovely thing we call sleep. As I was about to doze off, I heard a familiar ringing going off in my pocket, causing me to pull out my phone. I felt a smile on my face when I saw her name pop up on the screen. But wait, why was she calling? I push the answer button and put the phone to my ear.

“Hello?” I spoke into the phone but not hearing anyone respond back yet. I was confused but didn’t want to be rude so I spoke again. “Is anyone there?” Then I heard a door slam and someone’s staggered breathes.

“Santiago?” I shot up off the couch and sat up. She was crying. “Effie? What’s wrong? What happened?” She let out a few more sobs before trying to calm her breathing. “Wh-where are y-you?” I was a little confused still but more alert than ever. “Im at my apartment, why?” she was breathing heavily now, trying to slow her breathe and make as minimum ones as possible.

“Came you c-come get m-me?” I got up off the couch and headed into my room going straight to the closet while still having her on the phone. “Yea of course, where are you?” She started crying again and as she tried to give me the address. “Effie, just breathe okay? Breathe, love.”

She did exactly what I said and calm down again. “Now what’s the address?” There was a pause before she spoke again. “The alley next to Surrender” I finished putting on my shoes and grabbed my keys and headed towards the door. “Okay stay there. Don’t move okay? I’ll be there in ten.”

“No please don’t leave me!” I closed the car door and quickly shushed her, telling her to calm down. “Sh shh its okay, I’ll stay on the phone until I get there okay?” I could tell she was nodding on the other side of the phone so that’s my confirmation.

I placed the phone in the cup holder and backed out of the parking space, turning left and getting onto the main road. Luckily for her, the club was actually a couple blocks down and around the corner from my apartment. But then again, why is she a night club at 12:00 in the morning?

As I turn down the road, I pulled into the parking area seeing no parking spots available. I mentally cursed and made a U-turn back around. “Okay Ef, where are you exactly?” I heard background noise of music and laughing. “Behind the club, near the back door”.

I decided to just leave the parking lot and park beside the back alley the exits both ways. When I pulled up, I saw a black silhouette on the ground and I immediately knew it was her. I hurried out the car and ran to her as fast as I could.

When I came up to her, she was lying on the ground shaking. Soft breaths coming from her as she was curled into a ball. I bent down to her and grabbed her arm. She started to thrash around, pushing me off like I was the person who hurt her. “Shhh Effie it’s me Santiago.” She looked up into my eyes and there was fear and the look of someone who is vulnerable.

She had blood on coming from her nose and her lip was busted. You could also tell a black eye was starting to form. “Oh my god Effie, what happened?” She started to sob again as I picked her up, her grabbing onto me. “It’s okay Effie, I got you darling.” I carried her back to my car. I leaned her up against the car as I opened the passenger door.

I placed her in the car carefully and slowly, making sure she didn’t get any more hurt then she already was. I closed her door and ran around the the driver’s side, getting in a closing the door. I started the car and headed back to my apartment.

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