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{Characters are in there teens}

I woke up, feeling kinda bad. I had a bad dream last night, and I didn't get a good night's sleep because of it.

I woke up and got dressed, fixing up my cot for tonight.

I put on my cape after my normal clothes, slipping on my elf ears and hat. I put my glasses on and walked to the mess hall.

I started walking to my table, but I saw Harrison in my normal seat. Harrison. The one person I'd rather not see today. I walked over to him.

"What are you doing in my seat?" I asked, rather harsh.

He looked up at me "What are you talking about? This is always my seat." He said, turning back to his food. I growled and grabbed his chin, turning him back at me.

"Listen her you little shit. I am not in the mood for your Crap today. So if you could kindly move, i would greatly appreciate it." I said. I noticed his face turn a little pink at my touch, so I let go. He got up and walked off.

I sat down after getting my food and started eating. When I was done, I put my tray away and walked back to my tent. We have a little free time before activities and all I wanted to do was sleep. Before I got to my tent, however, I was stopped by none other then Harrison.

He looked me dead in the eyes. Fun.

"What do you want, you dwarf?" I asked, again, rather harsh.

He just stared at me for a second, before shaking his head and taking off his hat. He started to dig through it, then he took out a frog.

He handed it to me and walked off. I looked at it and smiled.

Frogs were my favorite animal, so this was pretty cool.

I looked at Harrison, then walked into my tent. I put the frog in a small box with air holes, put some food in there and water, then placed him under my cot.

I walked out for morning activities, not very excited about it.

I walked to my hand-made castle and went to the top. I started playing DnD with my stuffed animals, but oddly enough my head kept wandering to Harrison.

This confused me, so I just pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and continued playing.

I wonder why those thoughts were eating at me, but they were there the entire day. I they wouldn't go away.

Because I can. (A Nerrison Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now