Tick Tock...

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Lunch time. The time everyone was waiting for, yet dreading at the same time. Except Nikki.

Everyone got up and went to the Mess hall, sitting in there seats waiting for food to be officially ready.

Harrison sat down next to Preston at there usual table and Nerris at her own, next to Nikki.

As they waited for breakfast, Harrison scanned the room and his eyes landed on Nerris. Nerris. The girl who he hurt yesterday. She still looked... peeved off...

Preston chuckled from next to Harrison, which made him look up.

"What's so funny?" Harrison asked. Preston looked at his friend and smirked.

"Oh, nothing. Just the fact that you are so in love." Preston said, giggling like a child.

Harrison blushed, then groaned. "I told you Preston, I don't like anyone. And I especially don't like Nerris." He said again

"I know you told my, and you would be thought I learned my lesson. Buuut! You would've also thought I'd have learned my lesson about one man one word plays, yet here I am!" He smiled enthusiastically.

His friend rolled his eyes and got up when food was being served. Harrison want into the line for food. Nerris was right in front of him, so he tried to spark a conversation.

"Uh, Hey, Nerris." He started. Nerris ignored him and quickly got her food and left.

Harrison sighed. He got his food and went back to his table.


When lunch was over, Nerris went over to Nikki. "Hey Nik!" She said to her. Nikki looked at her and smiled.

"Hey Nerris! How are you-" Nerris put a finger over her mouth.

"I'm gonna stop you there. Are your friends here?" She asked.

"Mhm!" Nikki pointed at her friends who were coming over.

Max and Neil walked up to them.

"Oh, Hey Nerris." Neil said. Nerris waved at him.

"Hey, guys... I need some advice..." She said slowly.

"What kind of advice? And what for?" Max asked. Nikki looked at him, a frown on her face.

"Max! Be nice to Nerris!" Nikki said.

Max looked away "Whatever..." he mumbled.

Nerris sighed "Love advice, I guess." Nikki gasped loudly. Everyone stopped and looked at them.

Nerris laughed awkwardly.

"Who is it?! Are you in love?! When's the wedding?!?!" Nikki asked. Nerris blushed.

"W-whoah Nikki! I don't even know if I really like him or not..." She turned away.

Nikki slumped down. "Aw... Okay. But who is it?" She asked excitedly.

Nerris rubbed her arm. "Uhm... Harrison..." She mumbled, barley even whispering.

Neil looked at her. "Uh... who?" He asked.

"Harrison..."She said a little louder. Nikki jumped up.

"Oh my gosh you love Harrison!!" She yelled, earning a few looks from other campers, including Harrison himself.

Nerris pulled her friend down "Nikki, shut up!" She yelled, blushing intensely.

I made the title card... tell me what you think! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope, actually, I pray, that you vote and comment :,)

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