Anything you can do...

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It was now time for lunch. After I picked up my magician stuff, I headed for the mess hall and sat down next to Preston. I looked over at the table Nerris usually sits and I saw her walk in and grab herself some food, then sit and start eating.

She looked tired today, and not in a good mood.

Preston turned to me and obviously saw were I was looking, because then I heard him giggle. I turned to him with a questioned look.

"Looks like someone has a cruuuush~" he said. I turned to my food and shook my head, feeling my fave heat up.

"I don't have a crush on anyone." I stated. I didn't like anyone. Especially not Nerris.


"Oh, you sooooo have a crush on Nerris" he said. My fave heated up more and I looked down.

"No I don't and Oh god, Shh!!" I whisper-yelled.

"Oh my gosh!! You have a crush on Nerris?!" I heard someone yell from the other side of the table. I groaned and looked at Preston, who smirked.

I looked up and saw the person, who happened to be Nikki. The one girl who couldn't keep her mouth shut.

I slammed my fist on the table. "I DON'T, and NEVER WILL have a crush on that-- that-- wanna be magician!" I yelled, and the entire mess hall heard.

I looked around and saw Nerris, who had a death glare looking at me. Everyone was quiet.

She got up and ran out of the mess hall.

I slowly got lower in my seat as everyone is the mess hall went back to talking.

I looked out the door where Nerris ran off and I sighed. I looked at Preston, who looked slightly worried.

I continued to eat my food and I walked out of the mess hall.

I looked around for Nerris, first checking her tent.

I continued looking when I heard quiet sobbing coming from her castle.

I looked over and walked towards it.

"N-Nerris?" I asked for her. She peeked over and I saw that her eyes were red and that she has been crying.

Oh no... I made her cry...

"I- are you okay?" I asked. She flared at me then turned away.

"Thou shall not enter." Was all she said.

"Nerris, in sorry... can we talk it out?" I asked.

I saw her peek over the edge, then turn back around.

"Thou hath broken thy heart of Nerris the Cute by calling her a "Wanna be Magician." She said, and I felt really guilty.

"So thou shall not pass." She said again.

I sighed and walked to my tent, laying on my cot.

Why did I feel so bad? I hated her. I didn't like her at all.

I think...

Because I can. (A Nerrison Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now