hahA-- whAT?

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"Nikki, shut up!!" Nerris whisper yelled at her friend, who covered her mouth.

Nerris looked around, her face a bright red. Her eyes landed on Harrison, who was staring straight at her, obviously sweating nervously.

Nerris got up, grabbed Nikki, and walked off. Max and Neil followed.

She went to her castle, and sat Nikki down.

"Okay, Nik, repeat after me. 'I will not embarrass my friend in public'"

She repeated. "I will not embarrass my friend in public."

"Good." Nerris said.

Max looked at Nikki "It's not the first time she's done it. Remember what she said about Harrison in the lunch room?" He asked. Nerris flinched a little.

Nikki punched Max's arm.

"Ow!" He rubbed it.

"Max! That was a... sensitive time for Nerris!" She said. Max shrugged.

Nerris got up. "No, no. It's okay, don't worry!" She said. Nikki turned to her.

"Now, about love advice..."


Harrison walked over to his friend Preston. Preston was writing a script for something, he honestly didn't know what.

"Uh... hey Preston..." Harrison greeted his friend shyly. Preston turned around and looked at his friend.

"Why are you sweating? And blushing??" He said, hiding the script.

Harrison chuckled awkwardly, and before he could talk, Preston gasped.

"It was Nerris, wasn't it?!" Be yelled. "She said something and you heard, causing you to blush!!"

Harrison facepalmed, then looked at his friend. "M-maybe?"

Preston squealed. "You need to tell her how you feel!!" Harrison held up his hands.

"Slow down. I don't even like her that way."

Preston raised an eyebrow. "That way? I thought you didn't like her at all?"

"I-I don't!"


Harrison rolled his eyes. "Look, Preston, the only feeling I have towards Nerris is--"

"LOVE?!" Preston cut him off.

"...Hate." Harrison said, squinting his eyes.

Preston smirked. "Then how come you cared so much when you made her feel bad? And why do you blush when you see her??"

Harrison blushed. "I-I do not!!"

Preston narrowed his eyes.

"Stop." He said.

"Stop what?" Harrison asked.

"Lying to yourself."

Harrison crossed his arms and turned away.

Preston groaned. "Okay, but when you realize you love her and need help, don't expect me to be there." He said before walking off.

Harrison sighed. Preston was right. He did care when he hurt her feelings... But that was just Harrison being a human being. I mean, anyone would care.

But then again, he does blush a lot when he's around her.

Because I can. (A Nerrison Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now