oh god...

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Oh my God. Preston was right. I have a crush on Nerris...

I have a crush on my worst enemy. I don't know if you can tell, but that's like, the worst thing to happen to you.

I want to my tent to think it out. Preston was there, of course. I sat on my got probably looking like a blushing mess. I sat down and sighed deeply.

He looked up from his script for a split second and snickered. I groaned and lay down.

I took my hat off and closed my eyes. I heard Preston sigh, then say "Maybe you could by her some flowers." He shrugged. I sighed again.

Preston chuckled. "I need to go to my stage. I'll see ya later." He said before getting up and leaving, leaving me alone to think.

So i thought of Nerris.


Damnit Nikki... now Harrison thinks I have a crush on him. But, do I?

Nikki had a michevious smirk on her face.

"You need to change!" She smiled

Neil shrugged. "Maybe you could wear contacts instead of glasses."

"And ditch the nerd outfit." Max scoffed.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I took off my cape, ears and hat. Nikki gasped. "You look so normal!!!"

I shrugged and smiled.

Neil thought for a moment then snapped his fingers.

"Maybe you could... flirt." He said with a smile.

"Uh- what???" I stuttered.

Nikki smiled. "That's a great idea!"

I could feel myself blush. "Guys, no-"

Max snickered. "That's sound like an awesome idea. Why don't you guys teach her some of your best pick up lines?"

Neil smiled. "I'll go first." He clears his throat. "If Microsoft is brave enough to ask for a data check, then I'm brave enough to ask you on a date."

I laughed slightly. Nikki raised her hand "ooh!! Me next!" She cleared her throat as well. "Girl, are you a booger, cause I'd pick you." Max face palmed and I cringed a little.

Max shook his head. "You both suck."

"Then why don't you go, Max?" Neil said. Max shrugged.

"Okay. Hmm..." he thought for a second. "Okay, Look up in the sky and count the stars. That's how much I love you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Max, it's day."

"Exactly." He smirked. I groaned.

"Okay, how about this. She looked at Neil. "Hey, Neil, can you hold something for me?" I asked.

Neil raised an eyebrow. "Sure? What?"

I held up my hand and out on my most charming smile. "My hand~"

I saw Neil blush slightly. I laughed.

I decided to go a few more times.

"Hey, Nikki, I list my phone number. Can I have yours?" I asked and chuckled. I looked at Max, then stood up.

"Thanks for the help guys." I said. I smiled at Nikki and walked off.

This was going to be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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