Dinner party

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Caroline: I cannot believe that Mr. Tanner let you on the team. Tyler must be seething. But good for you. Go for it.

Damon: That's what I always tell him. You have to engage. You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it.

Caroline: Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. It's only because you missed summer camp. God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines.

Bonnie: I'll work with her. She'll get it.

Caroline: I guess we can put her in the back.

Damon: You know, you don't seem like the cheerleader type, Elena.

Caroline: Oh, it's just 'cause her parents died. Yeah, I mean, she's just totally going through a blah phase. She used to be way more fun. And I say that with complete sensitivity.

Damon: I'm sorry, Elena. I know what it's like to lose both your parents. In fact, Stefan and I have watched almost every single person we've ever cared about die.

Stefan: We don't need to get into that right now, Damon.

Damon: Oh, you know what, you're right, Stef. I'm sorry. The last thing I wanted to do was bring her up. Mmm.

[The kitchen.]

Damon: One more.

Elena: Oh, thank you.

[Damon hands Elena a glass, but drops it and quickly catches it.]

Elena: Nice save.

Damon: I like you. You know how to laugh. And you make Stefan smile, which is something I haven't seen in a very long time.

Elena: Earlier, did you mean...Katherine?

Damon: Mm-hmm.
Elena: How did she die?

Damon: In a fire. Tragic fire.

Elena: Recently?

Damon: It seems like it was yesterday.

Elena: What was she like?

Damon: She was beautiful. A lot like you in that department. She was also very complicated and selfish and at times not very kind, but very sexy and seductive.

Elena: So which one of you dated her first?

Damon: Nicely deduced. Ask Stefan. I'm sure his answer differs from mine. I'd quit cheerleading if I were you.

Elena: Why do you say that?

Damon: Oh, I saw you at practice. You looked miserable.

Elena: You saw that?

Damon: Am I wrong?

Elena: I used to love it. It was fun. Things are different this year. Everything that used to matter doesn't anymore.

Damon: So don't let it. Quit, move on. Problem solved. Ta-da.

Elena: Some things could matter again.

Damon: Maybe. But...seems a little unrealistic to me.

Elena: I'm sorry. About
Katherine. You lost her, too.

Bonnie: Hey. Need some help?

Damon: Sure, why not?

[Elena's living room.]

Caroline: Matt tries, but he's just having a really hard time. You have to understand that they were each other's first. You know, like, from the sandbox.

Stefan: That's a really nice scarf.

Caroline: Mm. Thank you, it's new.

Stefan: Can I see it? I mean, would you mind taking it off?

Caroline: Oh, I can't.

Stefan: Why not? You ok?

Caroline: Um...All I know is that I can't take it off.

Damon: What are you two kids talking about?

Stefan: I was just commenting on her scarf.

Damon: Hmm. Hey, you know, um, Elena and Bonnie are finishing up the dishes. Why don't you go see if you can help?

Caroline: Does it look like I do dishes?

Damon: For me?

Caroline: Hmm...I don't think so.

Damon: (Damon compels her.) Go see if Elena needs help in the kitchen.

Caroline: You know what? I'm gonna go see if Elena needs some help in the kitchen.

Damon: Great.

[Caroline leaves.]

Stefan: They are people, Damon. She's not a puppet. She doesn't exist for your amusement, for you to feed on whenever you want to.

Damon: Sure she does. They all do. They're whatever I want them to be. They're mine for the taking.

Stefan: All right, you've had your fun. You used Caroline, you got to meet Elena, good for you. Now it's time for you to go.

Damon: That's not a problem. Because...I've been invited in, and I'll come back tomorrow night and the following night and I'll do with your little cheerleader whatever I want to do. Because that is what is normal to me.

There was a loud sound. Elena rushes to see Jenna and Bella. Bella has silent tires running down her face. Elena runs to Bella and holds her.

Elena: what's up bells.

Bella: (in a tiny voice) it happened again.

Elena looked at a very pissed off Jenna

Jenna: lucy suddenly started to shout at Bella. And poff. The kitchen is on fire. She starts to blame Bella and all the windows smash. So I took Bella home.

Bella looked up at Jenna with tears.

Bella: I didn't mean to

Jena: you didn't do anything. I'm gonna take her to bed. Night Elena, night everyone.

Everyone: night

Bella waves at everyone and smiles at Damon before going upstairs.

The boys look at each other. With a knowing look. Well she might be a witch.

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