We have a ball to get to.

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I wake up after my dream. I was on a meadow. Fall of flowers. I giggled and ran around. I smile at the thought and run out of my room. Elena is probably sleeping. So I tried to climb her bed. But I was still short. Ohhhhhhhh that's why Stefan saids I'm short. That bum. I still struggle to get on the bed though.

"Sis. Sisssssss. Sis."

Elena still doesn't budge. I become upset and walk out the room in a stomp. I walk down stairs to see Stefan cooking. I smile and walk over to him.

"Hi, hi. Stef." He chuckles and looks at me.

"Hello. Little one. How are you this fine morning."

I shake my head. He's funny.
"Fine. Stef. But I keep having dreams."

Stefan stops what he's doing. And looks at me.

"What dreams."I smile.

"Well i an at a little cottage. Running in a really nice pink dress. But it's like I'm running from someone. I run and run. Until I see a hill. I look behind me before running fast. I run into a place of flowers and a little stream. It was beautiful. Like something people would describe out of books. There where flowers everywhere. Blue, yellow, green, pink, wight, red. Lots of colours. I suddenly jet picked up from the waist behind and frown in the air. But before I wake up. The person caches me. But before I see his or her face. I wake up."

Stefan looked deep in thought. Then a smirk comes on his face.

"Maybe it's the boogie man." After he said that he started to tickle me.


He stops and smiles at me. I laugh. Then he hands me a pancake. It was nice. But not as good as Dam Dam. He is the king of pancakes.

===hours later.===

Bella is drawing a picture. While Stefan explains the dream to Damon and Elena.

"Come on Stefan you don't really think this is like a vision do you." Damon huffed

"No but she said it like a memory." Stefan tried to explain.

"It doesn't mean anything Stefan. Your just being paranoid." Damon laughed

And with that conversation was over. Because of the door bell. Elena went to answer it. Bella skipping after her. As Elena opened the door to be great by no one. Bella looked down and saw a box. A wight box with a pink letter. Bella squealed. Pink was her favourite colour after all. Bella went to grab the box but was stoped by Stefan while Elena grabbed the box with the letter and a wight letter. Elena set the box aside and read out the little letter.

 Elena set the box aside and read out the little letter

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As Damon and Stefan where focus on Elena while she was reading it out loud

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As Damon and Stefan where focus on Elena while she was reading it out loud. Bella took the letter and started to read it. Well she only got to dearest Bella. Until it was taken off her by Elena.

"Hey I was reading that."

"Well I want to read it as well."

"Could you read it out loud please. I want to hear it to."

Elena rolled her eyes and started to read it.

Dearest Bella,
We would love if you could come to the ball. We really would like to meet you in person. Also mother would like to talk with you and your sister. And talk about our past.
It has been so long princess. My brothers have gone and got you a beautiful dress. I think you might like it. It is your favourite colour after all. I hope we see you at the ball. We have a lot of catching up to do. And we ask you not to be afraid. I and my siblings will not let harm come to you.
We hope to see you soon,
Dearest Bella. Mother wants to talk with you at 9:00pm. Meet her on top of the ball room stairs . You may bring two people with you.
It's been so long.

With all our love
The mikaelson's

Everyone looks at the letter at shock. What the hell. Damon looks at the letter like it's grown a head and started to sing. Stefan looks shocked and confused. But Elena looks scared and worried. Bella runs over to the box and picked up a cute little pink dress. It was beautiful. Bella started to squeal. It was official. She was going to the ball. Gosh, she felt like Cinderella. Damon started to shake his head rapidly.

"No no no no no no no no no no no no did I mention no. She is not going to the ball not with that psycho, crazy, killing family."

After a lot of no's and buts. Bella was in tears. Damon made it clear. She wasn't going. Bella started to sob. That made Damon turn around quickly. And the look on her face was horrible in Damon eyes. No his princess should not be crying. And he made her cry. But before he could smother her or tell her that it was definitely dangerous. Bella ran out of the room. Hands gripping on the dress. Running up stairs crying. Eyes red. Blood shot. They stood in silence. Taking in on what just happened.

As much as Damon hated seeing her cry. He stood by his choice. Nope. He isn't going to let his one thing that keeps him from darkness. His light. He isn't going to let her go to a crazy house of..... Of killing vampire. No thank you.

"I stand by my choice. Stefan and I will be going. You and Bella are going to stay here. Got it."  Elena just sighed and nodded. And with that Damon and Stefan went home to get ready for the ball.

===later on==

A knock came on Bella door. Bella got up and opened it to revile Elena smirking.

"Yes Elena."

"Well we better get going. We have a ball to get to."

And with that the girls got ready for the mikaelson ball.

And with that the girls got ready for the mikaelson ball

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Bellas dress

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