The surprise .

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Woke up by the sound of my phone buzzing in my ears.I sat on my bed thinking about what Tyron said to me,when suddenly I heard a knock on my door.knowing I wasn't ready to see anyone looking like this , I told that person to wait for a minute. I ran to the toilet,brush my teeth ,comb my hair and ran to my closet to put my black Abaya then ran to the door to open it.

Oh sai  yanzu kika ga daman  budemun kofa koh (oh is now you decided to open the door for me right)? He said smirking.

Surprised as I was I was able to hug the living soul out of him.kamal,omg kamal,I said running out of words.

Kamal: meh? (What)?don't tell you haven't seen an angel before,he teased.

Aneesa: (I punched his shoulder lightly and invited him to come inside ) so tell me kamal how was London? And how is mummy is she fine? What about your twin sisters?why dint you come with them?
Kamal:whoa hold on girl don't tell me you are now a police interrogating me?

Laughs and chuckles.

Kamal I really missed you a lot and a lot happened here and I'm scared that I might lose you? I don't want that .I said sobbing.

Shh don't say that I'm still here no one will take me away from you we will always be best of friends for ever(he said wiping my tears) and if he dares hurt you in anyway I will deal with him my way.and besides you are not married yet are you?he asked jokingly.

No.I said .

Then don't come with me I have to show you something it's a surprise .

Tell me what is it.

If I tell you it won't be a surprise any more.just come .

With that he dragged me down stairs to a place that's like Dalilah's room because of the strawberry sent.I nearly fall but he cut me by the waist making me to shiver, I could feel his touch because the Abaya is not a very thick fabric so that made me shiver.kamal announced that we are here I opened my eyes only to see .....

Aunty Ipshita and Aunty Ipshinat.staring at me with there smiling faces they both look stunning .

Ipshinat and Ipshita: don't we already deserve a hug from our best cousin ever?they said smiling.

I ran and hugged them both so tightly . Ehem  kamal said that's not all you know. Stunned as I was I was curious to know what it will be . They also brought kulsum with them. Kulsum is aunty ipshita's daughter.

Kulsum: onti anesha,kulsum said in her funny baby ascent.
Me:awww my little baby how are you?I a asked pinching her cheeks lightly and tickling her.
Kamal: so Aneesa,what did baba say?is he really getting you married ?

Me:well haka yace  (that's what he said)and besides the guy is arrogant and I really don't like him and even If baba is adamant on my marriage it will turn out to be a no sided relationship were we won't talk to each other.

Dalilah:haba anty ani wallahi he is handsome . Kamal wai kai kaga beauty kuwa? I swear me I want him if you don't.

Me:hmm bar a baba yaji ki kina Irin maganan will be done for.

Laughs. ...

The twins:kun san  Me? (You know what guys)?let's go and greet baba before he calls for us , come kamal let's go .

I can see in his eyes he is deeply hurt knowing how he feels about me makes the situation worst for me .

I ran to my room to take my morning routine although I have done some .I entered the bathroom took a long well deserving hot shower , came out dried my hair , put on a white vintage shirt,a black jeans and a black scarf to match the clothe I then went to my shoerag and took my floppy slippers that is mainly for walking in the house .

I was about to go down for breakfast when suddenly my phone rang.I took my iPhone 7 out of my pocket and saw an unknown number.I didn't bother answering because 1:its an unknown number and 2:I'm really hungry.

I went straight to the dining table and sat there like a lost bag of potato.Aunty Ipshinat already cooked for I only served my self.

No body said a word but my kept ringing and its the same number. I got annoyed so is my dad so I ran to the backyard and answered it.

Me:wai danAllah who the fuck are you to disturb me like that.annoyed and almost cutting the call when I heard his calm but husky voice.I melted on the spot .

Him:ke mehaka?I never knew you are a mad girl apart from being a bitch.

Me:Tyron wallahi stop calling me that.

Him:the name is Aahil,Tyron is my American name cause I'm a citizen of America got it.anyways I have no interest in talking to you so listen get ready today around 4 I'm coming to pick you up.

Me:I'm not going anywhere with you got it you dickhead.
Him:did you just call me a dickhead?wallahi bara inzo (lemme come)I will teach you a lesson.and its not me its my mum who insisted we know each other before marriage.

Me:ha..ha.. there will be no marriage and I have some one to avenge for me if you touch me.

Him:i won't risk the chance of getting my hands dirty by touching you and who is that person your boyfriend ? (Lol I heard him murmured).

Me:yes my boyfriend and please look at you I can even smell you throuhg the phone that shows how dirty you are.
Him:you know what you are not worth it just get ready (He said now his voice no more calm but harsh and teriifying ) with that he ended the call .

Who does he think he is .

Who are you talking about?kamal asked con fused.

Never Mind get ready we are going out by 4 okay I said hugging him .

Okay he whispered hugging back and pecking my cheeks.

Well guys the love triangle is just starting between kamal , Aneesa and Aahil (tyron).
More drama and new people on the next chapter.don't miss it.
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