Chapter One: Even Amazing Actors Stumble

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"Kurt? Can I come in?"

"Yeah, go ahead." Kurt replied, looking at his surroundings. He was getting bored of all the harsh white in the room- couldn't the hospital get a better interior decorator? He was sick of being watched 24/7, it was rather unsettling to think that he only had privacy when he used the bathroom. What did they call that? Right, 'suicide watch.'

"How are you feeling?" His father, Burt Hummel, asked, shutting the door behind him.

Kurt plastered on a fake smile, hoping that if he acted like he was fine he could be released sooner. "Great, actually. A little tired of hospital food, but I actually feel much better. I honestly don't know what I was thinking, taking that neanderthal Karofsky seriously." He watched his father brighten up at his cheeriness, believing what he said.

"About that, I'm taking you out of McKinley. I don't want you to be around such negative energy, so I enrolled you in Dalton Academy- they have a no-bullying policy. It is a boarding school though, so you won't get to see us much, but it's worth it if you are safe."

Kurt nodded, pretending to act saddened about being away from people who 'cared' about him. "Oh, I'm sad that I won't be around my friends anymore, but at least I will be away from Karofsky, too, right?" Kurt acted like he was trying to look on the bright side.

He told everyone that the reason he attempted suicide, specifically cutting into his vein, was because he couldn't take being bullied anymore. He supposed this was slightly part of the reason, so it wasn't exactly a lie, but t was far from the truth.

"Yeah, and you can visit us on holidays and weekends. Also, a couple people wanted to see you, are you up for visitors?"

"Depends, who is it? I can't handle Rachel's crazy anytime really, and now I have an excuse." Kurt joked, trying to keep the mood light.

Burt chuckled. "No, it's Finn, Brittany, Mercedes, and that Santana girl."

"I would actually love to see them!" Kurt faked enthusiasm to make his father think he was returning to normal. He wasn't normal, though, and he never would be. He father wanted to believe he was getting better, so he bought it.

"Alright, I'll let them in. Oh, I almost forgot to add," Burt said, halfway out the door, "you get let out tomorrow."

Kurt smiled genuinely at this, happy to escape this prison.

"Yay, my dolphin is feeling better!" Brittany squealed, walking in the room and hugging Kurt.

"Hi Britt." Kurt chuckled. Her enthusiasm was contagious.

"Kurt, why didn't you tell me this was going on? I could have dealt with Karofsky." Finn said, angry at himself for not noticing.

"Yeah." Brittany said, suddenly serious. "No matter what they say, remember that you are the most unicorn of them all, and they are just dumb donkeys." Santana looked lovingly at her girlfriend as if she was the smartest person in the world.

"Yeah, nobody's hurting my best gay." Mercedes said, hugging Kurt.

"I will go all Lima Heights on their sorry asses if they bug you again, Lady Face." Santana said. That actually meant a lot, coming from her.

"Don't worry, they won't bother me again." Kurt stated.

"Yeah, but you don't know that. They might not care that they put you in the hospital." Finn said.

"They'll have to come to Westerville to bug me. I'm transferring schools, my dad's idea, to get away from them. And Finn," Kurt said softly, looking at his stepbrother with an unreadable look in his eyes, "they didn't put me in the hospital. I did."

The room grew silent at this. "My dolphin is leaving?" Brittany asked sadly, breaking the silence.

"I'll keep in touch with you Brittany. This is for the best, you may miss me but at least there will be a me for you to miss." Kurt didn't realize how dark these words, meant to be reassuring, were until they were already out of his mouth. "God that sounded depressing. What I mean is I'll miss you too, and I'll come back to visit as much as I can." Kurt laughed.

"You'd better keep that promise, white boy." Mercedes said. "Or I will march up to that school and enroll there if I can't drag you back to Lima."

Kurt chuckled. "You'd have a pretty hard time doing that, it's an all boys school."

"Wait, so Porcelain is ditching us for a gay school? No wonder he isn't too broken up over it, that's heaven for him." Santana burst out.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "I highly doubt that they are all gay, and leaving you all would never be considered heaven."

"Excuse me, visiting hours are over. Mr. Hummel needs his rest." A nurse said from the doorway. They said their goodbyes to Kurt and left, leaving him to sleep.

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