Chapter Three: No Promises

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"Are you having any trouble settling in to Dalton? I would be happy to show you around sometime." Sebastian says charmingly.

Kurt nods knowingly. "See, that's the kind of dapper prep boy that I expected to see here." This comment has Sebastian turning red and everyone laughing.

"You know what, I like you already, Kurt." Blaine says, glad to see Sebastian knocked down a peg. "Can you sing? We're looking for new faces on the Warblers."

Kurt shrugged. "I used to be in my old glee club, but everyone who auditioned got in and all I did was sit in the back and occasionally make snarky comments, if that tells you anything about my talent. I only joined because my dad made me join a club and it didn't sound horrible."

"Oh, pity. If your voice is as pretty as you, we would have been in for a real treat." Sebastian flirted, winking.

"Ah, the debonair schoolboy speaks up again, regaining his ego." Kurt teased, causing the table to laugh again. Sebastian joined in with the laughter this time- he had been called 'debonair,' after all.

"So, everyone ready for movie night?" Jeff asked. The boys cheered at this. "Kurt, you're welcome to join us if you want to. It's a tradition for us to have movie night at least once a week."

"I'd like that." Kurt said, smiling.

"So, Kurt, what brings you to Dalton anyway?" David asked.

"I was bullied a bit at my old school, my dad made me transfer, I didn't really get a say. I would have been fine staying."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. But if the bullying is bad enough that you dad made you transfer, why would you want to stay?" Wes asked.

Kurt laughed. "Oh, I don't think the bullying was bad enough that he made me transfer."

"Then why did you?" David questioned, confused.

"Oh, that was probably the attempted suicide." Kurt said, laughing again. Except this time the laugh sent a shiver down the boy's spines. How could he talk about trying to die so lightly, and laugh about it?

"Oh, Kurt, I'm so sorry." Blaine said, breaking the silence that had fallen over the table.

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Why are you sorry?"

"I'm sorry that you got bullied enough to push you to do that."

"I appreciate your words, but you hardly know me. You don't know me at all, really. It's not like you could have done something, or that you bullied me." Kurt said, standing up and heading back to his dorm as dinner ended.

When Jeff got to his dorm, he saw Kurt standing there in his pajamas with one sleeve rolled up, examining his forearm. Jeff gasped, seeing a thick light pink scar running down the length of Kurt's vein, from his wrist to the halfway point between his wrist and elbow.

Kurt turned to see Jeff standing there. "Kurt, what happened?" Jeff asked, stepping toward Kurt and gingerly holding his arm, looking closely at the scar.

"I told you guys at dinner, attempted suicide." Kurt shrugged as if telling him he went for a walk.

"But this..." Jeff's voice trailed off, looking up at the tall boy. "How?"

"A knife." Kurt said nonchalantly.

"How did you do it though? How did you keep going through the pain?" Jeff asked, struggling to grasp the concept.

"Pain distracts the mind, which is what I wanted to do. That much blood should end all pain and stop the mind." Kurt said, as if explaining how to fold a t-shirt.

"And it didn't because?"

"I forgot to lock the door, and my dad came home without me knowing. I passed out and he heard me fall to the floor, saw me and pressed a towel against the wound so it stopped openly bleeding and called 911. They arrived on time." Kurt sounded almost disappointed that his attempted suicide was merely 'attempted.'

"Please don't try that again." Jeff said, hugging Kurt and shedding a few tears. Kurt stood there in shock for a minute with his arms out to the sides before wrapping them around the smaller boy and hugging him back gently.

Yet he said nothing.

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