Chapter Seven: Snow

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"Hey." Kurt's heart did a backflip as he turned around and saw who it was. Blaine, the boy with perfectly gelled curls and brown eyes that contained every color under the sun.

Don't think like that, you'll get attached, he scolded himself. "Leave me alone, I don't want to talk." Kurt said, turning away again.

"Jeff told me." This caused Kurt to turn back towards him, a scowl on his face.

"What, that I smoke? It's hardly a big deal." He scoffed. "Did you come to apologize about things you have no control over again? Trying to be perfect Blaine, everyone's friend?" He said this mockingly, and Blaine looked surprised at this.

"Oh please. You don't think I see the way you strut around this school like you own it? The way you looked so happy when I knocked Sebastian off his high horse? Well, surprise, you're just as bad as him." Kurt said scathingly, turning away again.

Blaine grabbed Kurt's wrist. "Listen, Kurt, I-" He was cut off by a hiss from Kurt, who snatched his arm away. Blaine looked over at the boy, who had a dark spot growing on his sleeve.

A single red drop fell to the snow.

Followed by another.

And another.

And even more.

"Kurt..." Blaine gasped, hardly believing his eyes. He watched as Kurt calmly took off his scarf lifted up his sleeve, wrapping it around his now-bleeding cuts before looking back to him.

"What do you want? I need to take care of this, so be fast, please."

"How can you be so calm?" Blaine asked.

Kurt laughed darkly. "Please, I've seen worse. Get on with it though, Jeff told you I smoke, blah blah blah."

"He didn't just tell me that." Blaine paused when he saw the fear flash in Kurt's eyes. "He told me about how he found you passed out in the bathroom. The empty pill bottles. Why, Kurt?"

"He shouldn't have snooped in my stuff." Kurt muttered. "Why do you care? Just go on with your life, being the golden boy, who can get every girl he so much blinked at with his sexy eyes, be the leader singer of the Warblers, flaunting how chocolatey smooth your voice is and how freaking flawless you are, go be that guy, don't tangle up with a mistake like me. I'm not worth it, I'm a disa-" Kurt was cut off as Blaine's lips attacked his, kissing him fiercely.

It was only a couple seconds before Blaine realized what he was doing, backing away with his eyes wide in fear. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, you're probably straight..."

All he could do was watch as Kurt ran away.

Ten minutes later, he decided to follow. He ran, following a trail of blood and footsteps.

He was too late. He looked around at where the footsteps ended, and there was a small mound of snow. He looked up, and saw Kurt's scarf in the tree...

Tied in a noose.

With Kurt hanging from it.

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