Chapter Five: Short Chapter

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"Hey, Kurt, wake up." A gentle voice said, shaking the boy awake.

"Hm?" Kurt asked, opening his eyes and realizing that he was lying down.

He jumped up when he realized he had been lying on Sebastian's lap. "Hey, calm down. You fell asleep and I didn't want to move you. The movie's over, want to help me wake the dorks?" Sebastian asked, pointing to all the sleeping boys.

After they had gotten everyone awake, Kurt headed up to his dorm. Jeff lied on his bed and fell asleep instantly, leaving Kurt with some privacy. He tiptoed into the bathroom, locking the door and turning on the light. He grabbed his bag, unzipping it. He looked at the contents- x-acto knife, pill bottles. Which to try?

He remembered back to the last time he tried to bleed out and die. Nope, not trying that again. He filled a glass with water and opened the pill bottles, taking all of them and swallowing a big gulp of water.

Then he felt his surroundings fade away, his mind grow numb, the blissful peace of nothingness...

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